Center for Louisiana Studies Archival Catalog
This searchable database provides information on images, documents, and audio and video recordings, made between 1934 and the present.
Storytelling and Musical Performances by Fernand Reed, Cyprien Landreneau, Will Bolfa,
Storytelling by Sostan;
Fido Died;
Pascal's Egret;
Pascal treating the blood (00:07:15);
Pascal and the Diablesse;
Torchon's stories (00:12:20);
Sostan broke his leg on a horse (00:16:10)
Roy Fuselier, Will Bolfa; Fernand Reed;
La valse de Belizaire (00:19:40);
La valse de grands chemins (00:23:15);
Rusty and Doug Kershaw - Recordings of their records;
Cajun Stripper (00:28:00);
J'ai passe devant ta porte (00:29:20);
Fernand Reed; Cyprien Landreneau; Paul Tate;
Madeleine (00:32:05);
La valse de grands Chemins (00:35:00);
La valse de pont d'amour;
Kaplan Waltz;
Pine Grove Blues (00:41:50);
Valse de Eunice;
Revon Reed;
Bonsoir Moreau;
You Are My Sunshine;
Revon Reed Discusses the People of Mamou;
Paul Tate (01:00:00);
Snoring Cajuns in Washington, D.C.
Snoring Contest
Musical Performances by Cyprien and Adam Landreneau, Preston Manuel, Chuck Guillory, Wallace "Cheese" Reed, Isom Fontenot, et. al
Cyprien and Adam Landreneau - Charlie Bolo Fuselier's Kichen;
Mardi Gras Jig;
Cherokee Waltz;
Preston Manuel; Chuck Guillory; Shirley Bergeron; Floyd Fuselier;
J'ai passé devant ta porte (00:03:00);
Grand Texas (00:05:25);
Reno Waltz;
Sundown Special (00:11:11);
Chere Alice;
Chuck Guillory;
Faded Love (00:17:10);
Wallace "Cheese" Reed;
T'es petite et t'es mignonne;
Grand Mamou (00:21:10)
Preston Manuel and Aubrey Deville;
Sugar Foot Rag (00:22:44);
Wallace "Cheese" Reed; Rodney Fuselier; Charlie Fuselier; and friends
Dedans la Louisiane (00:24:20);
La valse de Bambocheur;
Jolie Blonde;
Mon bon vieux mari (00:32:10);
Grand Mamou;
No Name Stomp;
Port Arthur Waltz;
Floor Bouncer's Stomp;
Chanson de Mardi Gras;
La marche de marriage (00:46:35);
Discussion of wedding march;
Mazurka (00:49:21);
J'ai passé devant ta porte;
Grand Texas;
Ils ont coupé le vieux arbre de pin (00:58:55)
Isom Fontenot - multiple songs on harmonica (01:04:19);
Live at Fred's in Mamou - Musical Performances by Isom Fontenot, Sady Courville, Nathan Abshire, Preston Manuel, Mark Savoy, Chuck Guillory
Sady Courville, Nathan Abshire, Preston Manuel;
Calcasieu Waltz;
Blues de tac tac (00:05:40);
Two-step des vachers;
Bayou Chène Waltz;
Tramp sur la rue (00:14:40);
Isom Fontenot - Harmonica tunes;
Port Arthur Blues (00:18:25);
Madame Bosso
The Cattle Trail (00:21:05);
Hey Mom;
Ton papa et ton maman ma jeter dehors;
Rye Whiskey;
Chuck Guillory;
The Kind of Love I Can't Forget (00:28:50);
Your Cheating Heart (0031:15);
The Waltz You Saved for Me;
Allons à Lafayette (00:38:05);
Step it Fast with Isom Fontenot;
San Antonio Rose with Preston Manuel (00:42:00)
Lake Arthur Stomp (00:45:25);
In the Mood - Swing tune;
Evangeline Two-step;
Pauvre Hobo (00:54:30);
Tolan Waltz;
Grand Texas
Marc Savoy, Preston Manuel & Isom Fontenot;
Les traces de mon bogué (01:03:20);
Johnny peut pas danser;
Bayou Teche Two-step (01:08:03);
Lacassine Special;
Musical performances by Revon Reed and Friends, Wallace "Cheese" Reed, Storytelling by Sostan, Torchon, and Irvin "Too Too" Reed
French Folk Songs - La Soeur Sourire
Petit batteau sur l'eau;
Entre les etoiles;
Recording of Jolie Blonde (00:06:32);
Revon Reed and Friends;
Christian Soldiers;
I Have Seen the Glory;
America the Beautiful (00:14:00);
Round the Meadows;
Sons of Freedom;
Soldat (00:21:25);
Juanita Farewell;
Rock of Ages;
My Body Lies Over the Ocean;
Sweet Chariot;
Reading from Mcbeth;
Other stories;
Sostan, Tourchon and TooToo telling stories about the Mamou Pairie; (00:52:25)
Cheese Read;
Hip et taiau (00:59:30);
Juste parce que (01:03:15);
Stomping Polka;
Cold Cold Heart;
Commercial Recordings and Commentary by Revon Reed and Musical Performance by Ralph Rinzler
Commercial recordings and commentary
Deloris Grey;
Big Mamou (00:03:18);
Leo Soileau;
Port Arthur Blues (00:09:35)
Morris Leblue;
Bazile Waltz (00:11:01);
Floyd Leblanc;
Orphan's Waltz (00:14:12);
Louisiana Stomp (00:15:!0);
Jolie Blonde is Gone;
Songs by The Singing Nun "La Soeur Sourire" (00:24:30);
Revon Reed and Friends;
My Body Lies Over the Ocean (00:27:00)
Swing Low Sweet Chariot;
Old Man River;
My Old Kentucky Home;
April Showers (00:34:45)
Revon Reed
Commentary on Shakespeare's "Mcbeth;"
Stories and Jokes in English;
Sostan tells stories (00:52:30);
Hip et Taieau (00:59:40)
Just Because;
Wallace "Cheese" Reed - Cold Heart (01:06:50);
Ralph Rinzler in Revon Reed's High School English Class;
Woody's Rag;
Backup Push;
The Eight of January;
Feight Train;
Old French folksongs;
Musical Performance by Cheese Reed, Preston Manuel, Royce Thibodeaux; Aubrey Deville and Edius Naquin
Wallace "Cheese" Reed;
Arkansas Traveler;
Port Arthur Stomp (00:02:30);
Put a Tiger in Your Tank;
Ambroise Thibodeaux, Preston Manuel, Aubrey Deville;
Patassa Two Step (00:07:40);
B.O. Sparkle Waltz;
Two-step d'Afrique (00:12:20);
Aubrey Deville; Preston Manuel;
I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes;
Ambroise Thibodeaux;
Aubrey Deville; Preston Manuel;
When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again (00:21:25);
Shake Hands With Mother Again;
Dewey Leger;
Wondering 00:29:20);
Coal in the Mountain;
Aubrey Deville; Preston Manuel;
Fiddle tune (00:35:20);
Edius Naquin;
Si j'aurais des ailes (00:38:05);
J'ai passé au long des bois;
St. Catherine (00:42:45);
?? (00:44:30)
Malbrough s'en vas t'en guerre;
Caillette est crèvé (00:49:00);
Mardi Gras Breakdown (00:50:35);
Chanson de Mardi Gras;
Grand Mamou (00:56:00);
Group Singing;
Ils ont coupée le vieux arbre de pin (00:56:04);
Ma chère cherie;
Pistache à Tante Nana (01:02:47);
I've Got Them Blues (01:05:20);
No Body's Darling;
House Party at Bois Sec Ardoin's Home/ Revon Reed Plays Old Records
Revon Reed at Bois Sec Ardoin's House Party - Mostly song fragments;
J'ai étais au bal;
Allons à Lafayette
Bonsoir Moreau (00:04:00);
Chère Tout Tout (00:05:00);
Two-step; (00:07:25)
Robe barré
J'ai étais au bal (00:10:46);
Allons a Lafayette;
Bonsoir Moreau (00:14:25);
Chère Tout Tout;
Robe barré (00:19:00)
La valse a Tolam - Harmonica (00:25:30);
Port Arthur Blues - Harmonica (00:27:00);
Fourteenth of July (00:28:35);
Oh 'ti monde;
Grande Mallet (00:34:00);
Bonsoir Moreau;
Fiddle Tune;
Eunice Two-step (00:39:00);
J'ai étais au bal;
Bonsoir Moreau (00:44:20);
'Tit Monde;
Quoi Faire (00:50:25);
Recordings of 78 RPM records
Amédé Ardoin;
La valse d'amour;
Blues (00:57:20);
Leo Soileau;
Grand Mamou (01:00:15);
Si tu voudrais m'aimer;
Artelus Mistric;
La Belle de Pointe Claire (01:06:30);
Tu m'apartiens
La danse des mulates;
Mamou Two-step;
'tit Maurice(01:13:40);
Hip et Taieau (01:14:30);
Musical Performances by Preston Manuel, Aubrey Deville, Roy Fuselier, and Will Balfa
Beginning of Fred's Broadcast, Incomplete songs;
Preston Manuel, Aubrey Deville;
Crowley Two-Step;
'Tit Maurice;
Hip et Taiau;
Roy Fuselier; Will Bolfa; Norice Fontenot; Percy Guillory;
La valse qui me fait du mal (00:02:30);
Bayou Pon Pon;
Mamou Two-step;
La valse de musicien;
Chère Cherie (00:08:25);
Flammes d'enfer;
Valse de musician (00:11:30);
Bosco Stomp;
Perrodin Two-step;
Pine Grove Blues;
Saute Crapaud (00:20:00;
Mardi Gras Jig;
Valse de pardon;
Edius Naquin;
Si j'aurais des ailes (00:30:20);
J'ai passe au long du bois;
Sainte Catherine;
Malbrough s'en va t'en guerre (00:38:35);
Wallace "Cheese" Reed
Mazurka (00:40:30);
Grand Texas;
Radio Show; Balfa Brothers;
Indien sur un chicot (00:43:50);
Commentaire - Radio spot with interviews by CBC (00:44:10)
Chuck Guillory;
Grand Texas (00:57:30);
La valse à Chuck;
Donald Reed, Chuck Guillory, Preston Manuel;
Your Cheating Heart;
Comedy (01:04:37)
Storytelling with Revon Reed and Friends, Revon Reed plays old Cajun Records
Revon & friends telling stories
00:00:00 - Carry-on Story;
00:03:50 - Difference between a joke and a wisecrack;
00:05:25 - Playing a game of Leap Frog;
00:09:15 - The Zebra with the Mumps;
00:11:20 - The Smart Bartender Explains Atomic Energy;
Dubs of Harry Choates recordings;
00:14:20 - Chère Mignon;
00:16:!5 - Harry Choates Blues;
00:17:55 - Honkey Tonkin' Days;
00:19:40 - Mon Chere Vieux Mari;
00:22:10 - Grand Texas;
00:25:10 - Chère petit;
00:28:30 - Storytelling continues;
51:10 - Wade Fruge -
One step de chameau
T'en à eu, t'en auras plus
Storytelling with Revon Reed and Friends
Copies of stories from previous tapes