Center for Louisiana Studies Archival Catalog

This searchable database provides information on images, documents, and audio and video recordings, made between 1934 and the present.

Folktales and Songs by Victor Oubré, Marie Theriot, Évélia Boudreaux, et al.

Accession No.: 

0:00 - Bouki et son cheval (conte)

2:19 - female voice: "This story of "Lapin & His Riding Horse" was told to Arthur R. Williams by Victor Oubré, a black farmer of rural Broussard, Louisiana who is 63 years old and who heard this story from his father"

2:50 - Un homme qui s'est nommé Celestin Billiot(?) (story) 
5:00 - "Je m'éloigne de lui que j'aime"/"La douce tristesse de la séparation" (song) 
6:40 - "La délaissée" (song)
8:45 - "Saute, crapeau" (song) 
9:05 - Unidentified song

9:55 - female voice: "That was [indaudible - Earnabelle Hawthorne Kruwitz?] who lives in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, and she's fairly active poetically with French...and she didn't have much to say on the stories, but the songs were so fun, so that's what they were"

10:40 - La femme qu'était après laver des tripes de cochon au bord d'un bayou et le chien étrange (conte)
12:00 - La vieille maison des autres fois et la grosse serpent dans le grenier (conte)
12:50 - [inaudible] Hé, Obie Aucoin(?)/La religieuse/Qui est le plus fort? (rhyme/game)
14:50 - "Un petit bonhomme" (song) 
15:15 - "Bonsoir, [inaudible], c'est aujourd'hui ta fête" (song)
15:40 - "Bonsoir, Madame [inaudible], c'est aujourd'hui ta fête" (song) (the singer mentions that she was 14 when she first learned this song)
17:00 - La serpent qui donnait sa queue au petit bébé (conte) (storyteller mentions that the baby in the story was Madame Philippe Domingue)
19:00 - les histoires des serpents dans les maisons, "les serpents étaient attirées par le lait/les vaches" 
21:50 - Petit zozo (comptine)
22:22 - Bouki et Lapin et le jardin de choux (conte)
24:30 - "Létymologie de 'carencro'" / "Le nom de Carencro" (conte) - Évélia Boudreaux
25:50 - Les enfants et le fromage dans le puits (conte)
27:30 - L'argent enterré, le caveau et l'ouragan (conte)
30:30 - Le petit ouaouaron et le gros bœuf (conte)
32:15 - L'homme qui s'a acheté un beau cheval et un boghei (conte)
33:30 - Bouki et Lapin et les éronces (conte)
36:50 - La Cigale et la Fourmi (conte)
39:45 - Bouki et Lapin (conte)
41:30 - Unidentified story 

45:17 - female voice: "the following is a Bouki and Lapin tale read by Marie [inaudible] Theriot, and she was given the tale by Aberdé (?) Fuselier Jr. of St. Martinville, Louisiana, who collected it in 1947 and afterwards she sings some songs in Creole"

45:50 - Bouki et Lapin (conte) 
49:48 - To pas l'aimais mo chère (?) (song) "Mo l'aimais toi comme un cochon aimait la boue." 
50:20 - Suzanne, Suzanne jolie femme (song)
50:47 - Fais do-do, petit nègre (song)
51:00 - Danser Colinda (song)
51:45 - Monsieur Banjo (song)
52:25 - Bouki et Lapin et les éronces (conte)
53:35 - Jean Sot et son petit frère (conte)
55:55 - Fin Fi Fo Laurent (comptine)

56:30 - L'homme qui était marcher dans la Ville qui a vu une boule de feu (conte) (storyteller mentions that the man in the story was from Catahoula, never got married, died when he was 62, went crazy, had a heart condition, was in the Veterans' hospital) 

58:20 - L'homme qui marchait dans le bois qui a trouvé une jarre (conte)

Media Type: 
French, folktales, songs, Bouki et Lapin, comptines, légendes
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Digitized Date: 
Monday, September 9, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
16 bit
Sampling Rate: 
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore

Folktales by Lester J. Meaux, Arthur R. Williams, et al.

Accession No.: 

0:00 - conte qui fait peur: maison hantée, boule de feu, homme sur un cheval dans le bois
3:00 - l'argent enterré
6:50 - les esprits, Jean Lafitte, pirates, argent enterré
9:30 - le Ku Klux Klan
11:00 - trésor, homme sur un cheval, homme se transforme en chien, rougarou/lougaroup/loup-garou
12:25 - Bayou Coquille, une femme habillée en blanc assise sur une branche de chêne, trésor enterré, Jean Lafitte
13:45 - un homme au milieu du chemin habillé en uniforme de la Première Guerre mondiale
15:00 - le frère du témoin trouve du trésor enterré dans le bois en retournant à pied chez lui après un bal 

17:35 - le père du témoin lui a raconté une histoire des années 1800: sa mère aidait à deux orphelins, Henriot(?) et Marteau(?); tous les dimanches Henriot allait à la chasse aux lapins au lieu d'aller à la Messe comme la mère voulait; après que Henriot soit mort, il a apparu à la mère (comme un revenant) et il disait "Mémère, à la Messe, à la Messe" 

19:10 - conte de la chasse-galerie
21:00 - conte d'un homme habillé en noir qui apparaît à une fille et sa meère à la Grande Anse 

23:35 - Voiceover: "The first story of Bouki and Lapin was told by Lester J. Meaux, a black native of Broussard, Louisiana. He heard these stories from his father. He is married now, age 38. The second story was also told by Mr. Meaux. It is the same as the first. The third and fourth stories are Bouki and Lapin, the story by Arthur R. Williams, a black native of Lafayette, Louisiana. He is 33 and married. He heard these stories from his great-grandfather and grandfather. The first four are told in French, southwest Louisiana French. The last one is told by Arthur R. Williams, also, and is told in an English version. 

25:00 - conte de Bouki et Lapin et le cheval de selle 
28:50 - conte de Bouki et Lapin et le cheval de selle
31:10 - conte de Bouki et Lapin et l'eau volée
35:40 - conte de Bouki et Lapin et le barril de miel
38:58 - conte de Bouki et Lapin et la place du diable

43:00 - conte qui fait peur: la femme et son mari qui ont été chez sa sœur à Bosco, une personne habillée tout en blanc avec les bras croisés, une personne qui disparaît, l'argent enterré, similaire à une histoire des frères Gautreaux à Cecilia, l'argent trouvé dans une chaudière en fer, le Vieux Spanish Trail

47:30 - conte de l'homme qui était mis dans la lune pour sa pénitence parce qu'il a travaillé le dimanche, travailler le Vendredi Saint, grouiller la terre / creuser la terre le Vendredi Saint, taches de sang dans la terre le Vendredi Saint

48:30 - comptine: Pin Pi Po Laurent
48:57 - comptine / jeu: Dédé Lacarte
49:15 - conte de Bouki et Lapin et la récolte de patates douces / "L'Habitation"
54:29 - conte de Bouki et Lapin et la place du diable
(starting at 1:00:00 through the end of the recording is silent)

(English keywords: scary stories, buried tresure, buried money, spirits, ghosts, warewolves, "the wild hunt," Bouki and Lapin stories, disappearing woman in white, Good Friday traditions, nursary rhymes)

Media Type: 
folktales, ghost stories, Jean Lafitte, buried treasure, Bouki and Lapin
Barry Ancelet
Lester J. Meaux
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Digitized Date: 
Monday, September 9, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
16 bit
Sampling Rate: 
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore

Folktales by J.E. Marcantel and Revon Reed

Accession No.: 

0:00 - Le jument verte (conte) - Revon Reed
2:25 - Défunt Cammy (?) Ledoux (qui restait à Duralde) (conte) - J.E. Marcantel

4:15 - Les deux frères qui étaient au bar (l'un qui aimait boire et l'autre qui aimait danser) (conte) - Barry Ancelet

5:30 - Un conte vrai: une fois quand J.E. est parti voir une fille sur le vieux chemin de Crowley (conte) J.E. Marcantel

7:40 - La jeune fille qui avait mangé une (?) (conte) - J.E. Marcantel
8:33 - Le prêtre qui est venu visiter la mère de la petite fille (conte) - Revon Reed
9:45 - Who's your daddy? (joke) - J.E. Marcantel
10:30 - dry parishes, wet parishes, Ruston, Monroe

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folktales; Jokes; Mamou; French
Barry Jean Ancelet
J.E. Marcantel, Revon Reed, Barry Ancelet
Coverage Spatial: 
Mamou, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
16 bit
Sampling Rate: 
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore

Cajun and Creole Folktales Martin Latiolais and Revon Reed

Accession No.: 

Martin Latiolais:

Bouki Lapin:
-la secheresse; le mariage;
-Qu'est-ce qu'un Bouki?;
-Bouki qui attrape la queue de l'ours;
-Pauvre vieille femme qui rencontre une Cendrillon; Vieux bougre, malade, qui meurt;

Revon Reed:

-Explication des contes de Bouki Lapin et de Jean Sot.;
-Conte qui est devenu Jack and the Bean Stock; Jean Sot qui doit aller vendre du beurre.
-A vu des craques dans la terre; Jean Sot:
-En charge de la maison; Jean Sot:
-Qui va emprunter une aiguille puis une charrue; Jean Sot:
-Le petit rien tout neuf; en charge du domaine;
-Pascal et son bicycle tellement vite; Pascal le bon nageur;
-Le bougre en panne qui couche chez/avec un couple;
-Jeux d'enfants: Pigeon vole, comptine (le boeuf);
-Discussion: segregation entre les Noirs et les mulatres;
-Vendeur de produits Watkin.
-Jeu pour determiner qui lavera la vaisselle;
-Autre version du conte; chanson;

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Creoles; Folktales
Barry Jean Ancelet
Martin Latiolais and Revon Reed
Recording date: 
Wednesday, January 5, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Catahoula Mamou
Center for Cultural and Eco-Tourism
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
16 bit
Sampling Rate: 
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore

Clifton Chenier Live at Festival de Musique Acadienne - Part 1

Accession No.: 

0:00 - Lucille
3:49 - "Dis bye-bye"; announcement (lost baby backstage)
7:27 - Jolie blonde
11:00 - Tous les temps en temps

15:25 - "You Hurt a Good-Hearted Man"; Clifton's accordion costs $5,500. Electronic, but didn't have time to hook it up today. Plays like an organ, piano, saxophone, violin, and everything. Donation from the people from Germany; Tells crowd to give the Ardoin brothers a hand

19:52 - Cher catin (Eunice Two-Step)
23:20 - "La valse à Tante Nana"; Clifton's godchild
27:31 - Les haricots sont pas salés
31:15 - J'ai passé devant ta porte (dedicated to all the nurses at the Kidney Center)
35:40 - Pine Top Boogie Woogie by Tommy Dorsey on accordion
40:32 - "I'm Comin' Home"; announcements (beer truck)

44:45 - announcements (Casino in St. Martinville next Sunday); Barry Ancelet requests 'Joséphine, c'est pas ma femme'

46:00 - "We don't just don't play French music, play what we want" (Clifton Chenier); "It's Alright"

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Creoles; Zydeco; Accordion; French
Barry Jean Ancelet
Clifton Chenier & The Red-Hot Louisiana Band
Recording date: 
Monday, September 22, 1980
Coverage Spatial: 
Lafayette, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Digitized Date: 
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Clifton Chenier Live at Festival de Musique Acadienne - Part 2

Accession No.: 

0:00 - It's Alright

1:10 - "Rock-Me-Baby"; Clifton says whoever records his songs without his permission will be in trouble - he'll be rich tomorrow

5:36 - "Zydeco Cha-Cha"; announcement (Vance Lenier to come to the bandstand); reminds Clifton of Switzerland. 'As far as you could see, nothing but heads'

9:50 - "Laisse les bons temps rouler"; announcement (20 more minutes of the set)

15:28 - "Ooo-ooo"/"I Know" (Fats Domino tune) (for Pee Wee LeBlanc and Mr. Jim Olivier and Mr. Barry Ancelet); The band was in Montreal, Canada the week before - just back from the west coast (California, Oregon)

19:29 - "You're the One"; talking about Jim Olivier, bus for kids from Vermilion Catholic school

25:38 - "Tu peux cogner mais tu peux pas rentrer"; applause/encore; Chenir says they were playing all night the night before in Houston and they're kind of worn out

30:09 - Joséphine, c'est pas ma femme
32:09 - I'm a Hog for You

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Creoles; Zydeco; Accordion; French
Barry Jean Ancelet
Clifton Chenier & The Red-Hot Louisiana Band
Recording date: 
Monday, September 22, 1980
Coverage Spatial: 
Lafayette, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Tribute to Cajun Music Festival III 1976

Accession No.: 

Don Montoucet (Accordion), Lionel Leleux (Fiddle), and the Wandering Aces: Hubert Maitre (Rhythm Guitar and Vocals), Melvin Sonnier (Steel Guitar and Vocals?), Sammy Boudreaux (Drums and Vocals)

1:00 - Chère Alice
6:58 - Le two-step du vieux temps
10:50 - Juste parce que
11:30 - Barry Ancelet annonce un groupe de professeurs de Québec et Belgique emmené par CODOFIL pour enseigner le français (suivi par Nathan Abshire et Octa Clark)

15:49 - Au chant de l'alouette
18:00 - Ya sa pichou (chanson indienne du Québec chantée par Robert Charlebois)
21:40 - un présentateur annonce Nathan Abshire
24:20 - Barry Ancelet annonce Nathan Abshire

Nathan Abshire, Lionel et Vinesse LeJeune et Rodney Balfa (?)
24:30 - Nathan Abshire parle
27:54 - Pine Grove Blues
34:04 - Lacassine Special
37:20 - La fille de la veuve (Jolie blonde/Ma blonde est partie)
43:38 - La chanson du Mardi Gras (pour l'Halloween)
47:54 - Les haricots sont pas salés (Shamrock Two-Step)

***Only estimate of year was included in original notes, no specific month or day (after Summer 1976. Most likely Fall 1976/October)***

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Belgium; Cajuns; Folk music; accordion; violin; fiddle; steel guitar
Barry Jean Ancelet
Don Montoucet; Lionel Leleux; Hubert Maitre; Melvin Sonnier; Sammy Boudreaux; Professeurs de Québec et Belgique; Nathan Abshire; Lionel LeJeune; Vinesse LeJeune; Rodney Balfa
Recording date: 
Thursday, January 1, 1976
Coverage Spatial: 
Lafayette, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Monday, June 19, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Tribute to Cajun music Festival III 1976

Accession No.: 

Ambroise Thibodeaux (Accordion), Merlin Fontenot (Fiddle), Reggie Matte (Rhythm Guitar and Vocals):

0:00 - Two-step de Platin (Two-step d'Ambroise)
1:45 - un présentateur annonce Ambroise Thibodeaux
2:20 - La valse de grand chemin
5:47 - Two-step de Patassa
6:40 - un présentateur annonce les albums d'Ambroise Thibodeaux; Elton Trahan's Oldsmobile is blocking traffic)
7:30 - Jolie blonde (La fille de la veuve/Ma blonde est partie)

10:20 - announces (request for Elton Quibodeaux to come to the bandstand; "Un Souvenir d'Amour" latest record from Reggie Matte; Merlin Fontenot will take Elton Quibodeaux's place; Nancy Tabb Marcantel will be next)

15:20 - Le Sud de la Louisiane (performed by Alex Broussard)
17:45 - un présentateur annonce Reggie Matte & the Church Point Playboys

Reggie Matte & the Church Point Playboys (with Elton 'Bee' Cormier and Barry Cormier):

18:00 - Un Cadien de Church Point
23:00 - Mermentau Waltz
26:00 - Ils ont tous demandé pour toi (They All Asked for You)
29:20 - Un souvenir d'amour
32:00 - announces (Yellow Cougar needs to be moved)
32:30 - Barry Ancelet présente Dewey Balfa
33:55 - Dewey Balfa présente Aldus Roger & the Lafayette Playboys (Passe Partout, KLFY Channel 10/Lafayette Playboys' Program on Saturdays)

Aldus Roger & the Lafayette Playboys:

37:56 - Step It Fast
41:00 - Chère toute toute
44:36 - Les haricots sont pas salés

***Only estimate of year was included in original notes, no specific month or day (after Summer 1976. Most likely Fall 1976/October)***

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folk music; accordion; violin; fiddle
Barry Jean Ancelet
Ambrose Thibodeaux; Alex Broussard; Reggie Matte; Elton 'Bee' Cormier; Aldus Roger
Recording date: 
Thursday, January 1, 1976
Coverage Spatial: 
Lafayette, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All rights reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Cajun Folktales by Various Storytellers

Accession No.: 

Erroneous Description - Doesn't match Audio File

Storytellers (Evelia Boudreaux, Clotile Richard, Martin Latiolais et autres)
KRVS Tribute to Cajun music Festival III: Evelia Boudreaux et Clotile Richard:

Le Voyageur:
-Rich man travels around to visit cimetaries (conte merveilleux);
-Jean Sot l'ecole: The man who pretended to have lost his french (farce);
-Prayer: At the cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ;
-Rover (the dog) au college (farce);
-Comments on the story of the Moon and the Cheese;
-The Germans (relatives); Le commis-voyageur (farce);
-True story of Germans crossing the sea to Louisiana;
-Le Petit Poucet; Bouki Lapin and the Cabbage Patch;
-L'homme riche qui voulait un petit enfant (The rich man who wanted a grand child);
-La vieille fille qui voulait se marier / The Old Maid Who Wanted to Marry (farce);
-Le fer dans le lit / The Iron [To do it] in the Bed (farce);
-The man who wanted his daughter to marry a painter;

Martin Latiolais:

Bouki et Lapin et le bonhomme en coal tar;
-En haut la terre ou en bas la terre; Le gros baril de beurre;
-Les yeux rouges et la queue bleue (Wedding Anniversary joke);
-Discussion on the meaning of Bouki;
-Tiens bon, Bouki! (farce);
-Cendrillon (The pot and the bouillie, conte merveilleux);
-Le rat ou la souris / The Rat or the Mouse (farce);
-Tu pourrais mentir / You Could Lie (farce);
-Bougre de 75 ans qu'etait malade;
-Teller talks about his life;
-Cajuns and Creoles in the American context;

Revon Reed:

-Jean Sot (quelques farces):
-"Jean Sot and the giant";
-"Jean Sot goes to sell butter";
-"Jean Sot in charge of the homestead";
-"Jean Sot: "Mother needs a needle;
-Un petit rien tout neuf;
-The old axe;
-Fido est mort (Jean Sot in charge again, farce);
-Pascal and his incredible speed; Pascal rides his bike on telephone wires; Pascal catches the lightning energy to go the Moon;
-Pascal the incredible swimmer;
-Le chien qui marchait sur l'eau / The Dog Who Could Walk on Water (farce);
-La jarre de cornichons / The jar of Pickles (farce);
-Children's games: Pigeon vole

Various Storytellers (Evelia Boudreaux, Clotile Richard, Martin Latiolais et autres)

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folktales
Barry Jean Ancelet
Coverage Spatial: 
Lafayette, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
16 bit
Sampling Rate: 
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore

Tribute to Cajun music Festival III 1976

Accession No.: 

Roy Fuselier & Mamou Cajun Band:

0:00 - Lovebridge Waltz / La valse du pont d'amour
4:19 - Hathaway Two Step
6:30 - Grand Mamou
10:00 - Hick's Wagon Wheel Special

Varise Connor:

14:40 - Swing tune
17:51 - Lake Arthur Stomp
19:53 - Chère toute toute
22:25 - Perrodin Two Step

Les Vagabonds with Virgil Montoucet:

27:22 - Hathaway Two Step
30:30 - J'ai passé devant ta porte
34:55 - Allons à Lafayette

Don Montoucet, Lionel LeLeuex and the Wandering Aces:

42:56 - Jolie blonde/La fille de la veuve/Ma blonde est partie

47:00 - Barry Ancelet parle de la chanson "Jolie blonde" et présente France LeMai, Jules Poisson et Nathan Abshire

48:06 - Les flammes d'enfer

***Only estimate of year was included in original notes, (after Summer 1976. Most likely Fall 1976/October)***

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folk music; violin; fiddle; accordion;
Barry Jean Ancelet
Roy Fuselier; Mamou Cajun Band; Varise Connor, Virgil Montoucet; Don Montoucet; Lionel Leleux; Hubert Maitre
Recording date: 
Thursday, January 1, 1976
Coverage Spatial: 
Lafayette, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Monday, June 19, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Folktales by Évélia Boudreaux, Clotile Richard and Martin Latiolais et al.

Accession No.: 

0:00 - conte: "Le Voyageur" - Evélia Boudreaux

2:30 - conte: "Jean Sot à l'école" - Clotile Richard (elle a appris le conte de ses parents), Sacré Cœur au Grand Coteau

4:51 - Prière à la croix de Notre Seigneur Jésus Christ, Prière à Sainte Marie-Madeleine (apprises de sa grand-mère), le témoin dit qu'elle a 89 ans

6:40 - conte du feu follet (sped up, inaudible)
6:47 - conte: "Rover au collège" - Evélia Boudreaux
10:30 - conte de la lune de fromage et pourquoi les enfants doivent pas sauter dans la pluie
11:26 - conte de la soirée pour célébrer les cinquante ans de mariage, l'évêque allemand
13:30 - conte: "Le commis-voyageur" - Evélia Boudreaux
17:30 - l'évêque Schexnayder

18:20 - le témoin parle d'un vieux cousin à Saint-Martin qui lui a parlé de 12 hommes qui sont venus en Louisiane de l'Allemagne en bateau

21:30 - conte: "Petit Poucet" - Evélia Boudreaux
28:15 - conte de Bouki et Lapin et le jardin du voisin / Bouki et Lapin et les choux
31:00 - Barry et le témoin parlent des différentes manières que les contes sont contés
32:35 - conte de l'homme qui était beaucoup riche et qui voulait des petits enfants / "La prospérité"
35:25 - le témoin dit qu'elle a appris le conte à Carencro il y a plusieurs années
35:45 - conte: "La vieille fille qui voulait se marier" -Clotile Richard
35:15 - conte: "Le fer dans le lit" - Evélia Boudreaux
39:20 - conte de l'homme qui cherchait un artiste pour marier sa fille
42:48 - conte: "Bouki et Lapin et le bonhomme en coal tar" - Martin Latiolais
44:18 - conte: "En haut la terre ou en bas la terre" / "L'habitation" - Martin Latiolais
45:15 - conte: "Le gros baril de beurre" - Martin Latiolais
47:00 - joke: l'homme et la femme qui célébraient leurs cinquante ans de mariage - Martin Latiolais
48:50 - les témoins parlent des blagues, les contes de Bouki et Lapin
50:05 - conte: "Tiens bon, Bouki!" - Martin Latiolais
52:40 - conte: "Cendrillonne" - Martin Latiolais

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folktales; jokes; Bouki and Lapin; animal tales
Barry Jean Ancelet
Evélia Boudreaux, Clotile Richard, Martin Latiolais, et al.
Coverage Spatial: 
Carencro, LA and Catahoula, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Monday, June 17, 2019
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
16 bit
Sampling Rate: 
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore

Folktales by Revon Reed, Évélia Boudreaux and Clotile Richard et al.

Accession No.: 

Copy of AN1.082 until 54:05

0:00 - conte: "Le Voyageur" - Evélia Boudreaux
2:30 - conte: "Jean Sot à l'école" - Clotile Richard (elle a appris le conte de ses parents), Sacré Cœur au Grand Coteau
4:51 - Prière à la croix de Notre Seigneur Jésus Christ, Prière à Sainte Marie-Madeleine (apprises de sa grand-mère), le témoin dit qu'elle a 89 ans

6:40 - conte du feu follet (sped up, inaudible)
6:47 - conte: "Rover au collège" - Evélia Boudreaux
10:30 - conte de la lune de fromage et pourquoi les enfants doivent pas sauter dans la pluie
11:26 - conte de la soirée pour célébrer les cinquante ans de mariage, l'évêque allemand
13:30 - conte: "Le commis-voyageur" - Evélia Boudreaux
17:30 - l'évêque Schexnayder
18:20 - le témoin parle d'un vieux cousin à Saint-Martin qui lui a parlé de 12 hommes qui sont venus en Louisiane de l'Allemagne en bateau

21:30 - conte : "Petit Poucet" - Evélia Boudreaux
28:15 - conte de Bouki et Lapin et le jardin du voisin / Bouki et Lapin et les choux
31:00 - Barry et le témoin parlent des différentes manières que les contes sont contés
32:35 - conte de l'homme qui était beaucoup riche et qui voulait des petits enfants / "La prospérité"
35:25 - le témoin dit qu'elle a appris le conte à Carencro il y a plusieurs années
35:45 - conte: "La vieille fille qui voulait se marier" -Clotile Richard
35:15 - conte: "Le fer dans le lit" - Evélia Boudreaux
39:20 - conte de l'homme qui cherchait un artiste pour marier sa fille
42:48 - conte: "Bouki et Lapin et le bonhomme en coal tar" - Martin Latiolais
44:18 - conte: "En haut la terre ou en bas la terre" / "L'habitation" - Martin Latiolais
45:15 - conte: "Le gros baril de beurre" - Martin Latiolais
47:00 - joke: l'homme et la femme qui célébraient leurs cinquante ans de mariage - Martin Latiolais
48:50 - les témoins parlent des blagues, les contes de Bouki et Lapin
50:05 - conte: "Tiens bon, Bouki!" - Martin Latiolais
52:40 - conte: "Cendrillonne" - Martin Latiolais
54:50 - conte: "Le rat ou la souris" - Martin Latiolais
55:53 - Bouki et Lapin, Mike Mitchell, Parks, tradition orale
56:15 - conte: "Tu pourrais mentir" - Martin Latiolais
58:38 - conte: "L'enfant de soixante-quinze ans" - Martin Latiolais
59:30 - informations biographiques sur Martin Latiolais, Catahoula, Grande Anse, Cecilia
1:00:50 - la pêche, Cypremort, les écrevisses, son ami David
1:04:55 - Willie Johnson, les Créoles vs. les Américains vs. les Cadiens vs. les Français
1:09:00 - les perceptions des "Français" (francophones) chez les "Américains" (anglophones)
1:11:29 - le passe-temps de conter, les contes contes de la France du 14e et 15e siècle, les fabliaux
1:12:00 - les contes de Jean Sot, "cil-là qui est pas tout là", "Jean le fou"
1:13:00 - conte: La vieille femme qu'avait une vache à lait, trois poules, deux moutons et un enfant / Jean Sot et la vache à lait
1:14:00 - contes: "Jean Sot" - Revon Reed
1:19:27 - conte: "Fido est mort" - Revon Reed

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folktales
Barry Jean Ancelet
Évélia Boudreaux, Clotile Richard and Martin Latiolais
Coverage Spatial: 
Lafayette, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
16 bit
Sampling Rate: 
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore

Musical performance by Varise Connor and Lionel Leleux

Accession No.: 

***Copy of AN1-001 and AN1-240?***

Varise Connor (Violin), Lionel Leleux (Violin), Eric & Edgar Benoit (Guitars):

Lionel Leleux:

-Laisse les Bons Temps Rouler (La Valse de Holly Beach)

(2:59) - Valse à Bascom Mouton (La Vieille Malheureuse)
-Honey in the Rock

(7:54) - Grand Night Special

Varise Connor:

-Untitled Waltz in G

(14:22) - You Got to See Your Mama
-Grand Mamou in D

(20:00) - Grand Basile
-Down South

(24:44) - St. Louis Blues

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folk music; violin; fiddle
Barry Jean Ancelet
Varise Connor; Lionel Leleux; Edgar Benoit; Eric Benoit
Recording date: 
Thursday, April 7, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Lake Arthur, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Interview with Clence Ancelet

Accession No.: 

Clence Ancelet (58):

Les Lumières dessus la terre à Mr. Romain Domingue

-Il a été voir Mr. John Webre, son voisin. Baieonne (la femme à Mr. Romain, Euphemie) aurait mis une lumière dans le chassis pour dire que un des enfants est devenu plus malade. Mme. Vincent Domingue. 1-4 lumières. Percy, Lee Boudreaux, Ray Baquet

-Affrey Babineaux (Yves'? twin/Mme. Toumille's son) didn't believe in that until he saw then
-Lights twice as big as fist playing around the property in the air. Would disappear and reappear in an instant

-Jeanne, Mme. Dalton Sonnier, et Mme. Saul Benoit (Clence's sister) et Mr. Easton Domingue les ont emmené au le pont
-Ils étaient au pont en milieu chez Mr. Sidney Sonnier et la lumière a passé 15 pieds d'eux

-En allant chez Chuck Cormier, les lumières ont passé entre Nonc Onsbé et Nonc Parlonge Ancelet. A été jusqu'à Mme. Titbé avec ça a éteint

(4:02) - Ray Baquet et Lee Boudreaux allaient à la sucrerie chez Mr. Elie 'Greo' Sonnier pour boire du vin de canne et sucer des cannes
-Ray avait si peur de voir les lumières encore, il était paralysé

-Tu voyais pas les lumières quand il y avait claire de lune, seulement quand il faisait noir
-Mr. Romain Domingue buying property from his mother, Mme. Vincent Domingue, and clearing the property by hand, horses, and mules
-They never saw the light again. They were coming from 'islands' of trees
-Mr. Antoine Allandaise, lumières sur les roues de bogheis
-Le monde savaient pas quoi c'était
-Lena (soeur à Clence, tante à Barry) et Clence et les vaches noir et blanc. Elles étaient pas commun dans ce temps là

(6:48) - Le premier aeroplane/airship qu'a tombé
-Heard it fall and land in Mr. Edwin Smith's 'island'/P.J. Breaux's land entre Scott, Duson, et Ossun
-1 mile northwest of KOA campground in Scott. Airplane took out Mme. Slim Sonnier's clothesline
-Clence ran all the way from Ossun. Within a half hour, about 200 people showed up
-German pilot brought to Scott and telegraphed for someone to come pick him up

-Des béquilles fait du cypre, trois clous, du vieux cuire de Mr. Nisiphor? Cormier
-Tin cans were used under the crutches and made a lot of noise
-Hard to find since everyone canned at home in jars, but would find tin cans when they'd go to mass in Scott
-Courses aux ties? d'automobiles. Cut hard rim of tie and went around the posts
-Not often you got all 4 posts, Easton Domingue was good at that, and Dalton Sonnier was extremely good at that (Clence's 2 brothers-in-law)
-Mammy, la bétaille. Bought her for $125 and came with a colt/foal
-Frank Sonnier and Jim Potier from Ossun were hoeing Mr. Sidney Sonnier's land and saw Clence coming
-Dalton and Verna Mae (Clence's wife) pulling water from the well. Cotraille (colt) brought up with Mammy. Dalton told Clence to jump
-16 oz. pop Cleano for 5 cents. 5 cents for a lunch (une bouletter 2X plus gros qu'aujourd'hui)
-Expensive at the time because you only made 25 cents a day. 10 cents already gone

(14:11) - Des boucheries de cochon fait en autome/hiver quand ça faisait froid
-Penning up the pig and feeding it crack corn and polish (sometimes used rice bran since polish was so expensive)
-Could tell how much lard a hog would give
-Clence's brother-in-law (Easton Domingue) raised one that gave 41 gallons of lard and weighed 880 lbs

-Clence's father-in-law, Greo Sonnier raised 'Gros Bob' who gave 51 gallons of lard and weighed 1,054 lbs dead
-Had to haul it to the cotton gin in Ossun by truck
-Sibling and neighbors would get together and help out
-Then, would do a 'rôti' and give ribs, a good cut of meat, cracklins, white boudin, and blood boudin
-Bourrer des saucisses et des boudins en usant des cornes de bêtes
-Saucisses dessus une corde en haut du stove
-Faire des gratons. Dimensions of cracklins
-Separating lard from meat, cutting 'des lisières' (strips) and making cracklins with that
-Only used old posts made of cypress wood
-Conserver la graisse avec les patates douces. Nonc George Webre told Clence that
-Putting grease in 7-gallon cans. 10/16/20 gallon. -Beau-père avait 17 pots de graise comme ça
-Had to be sure they were sealed to keep mice and dust out
-La dépense de la cuisine

(20:44) - Bouki et Lapin et la graise
-Des grillades à mariné quand t'avais pas de la viande fraiche
-La boucherie donnait de la viande 2 fois par semaine (samedi et mardi)
-Drew tickets to see when it was your turn to furnish the cow
-The owner and the butcher got the same amount of meat for free
-Clence had 5 lbs of meat from Mr. Marcel Begnaud, defunct Basile 'Béb' Sonnier, Au Verlandaise?, et 'Frère' Begnaud
-5 lbs of meat was brought back in a cleaned flour sack and you'd go by horse/buggy/sulky
-Ribs, good meat, 'du jarret'. Different in Kaplan
-360 lbs in a pool. Divided up in 2.5 lbs, 5 lbs, 7.5 lbs and the bigger families would get more meat
-No money
-Pop rouge quand t'était malade. Seulement Strawberry et Orange Pop dans le temps
-Content d'être malade et de boire du pop
-Comment barguiner avec des animaux. A good milk cow cost $100, but most people didn't have that kind of money
-You would shake hands that you would pay up. Nowadays, you have to sign contracts and all kinds of stuff
-Back then, people cared more about reputations that they do now

(24:54) - Pop Mayer travaillant pour Mr. Lalonde à la boulangerie
-Vendait du pain dans la campagne, et un jour il a revenu avec 36 poules, 10 douzaines d'oeufs, et 10 sous
-Money was used to pay taxes, buy clothes, souliers
-La langage de South Pacific. Parlant cette langue avec sa mère quand ils voulaient parler en secret
-Elle a appris cette langue avec son grand-père qui était pur espagnole. Like pig Latin in English
-Elmo could understand the natives when he was in the service

(27:10) - Fouiller de l'argent. Des caveaux cassaient aisément, avec un marteau
-Dédé Anderson (restait entre Scott et ossun), Dwyer Dugas (Clence's stepfather/police juror) et Bijou Chiasson trouve de l'argent (lived where the KOA in Scott is now)
-J.I. Boudreaux's feed mill. L'Ile Navarre. Il a vu des apparances
-Crawfish and rice farm on property Dédé bought on both sides of I-10
-Horses running straight for them with chains making noise (imagination?)
-Went away after money was found
-L'Ile à Mme. Sidney Sonnier et tous les iles d'arbre, le monde fouillait de l'argent
-C.J. Delhomme found some money a few years back
-He bought some land in Truman, near Queen of Peace Catholic Church, digging a pipeline and found $30-60 of silver pieces
-Des saisons
-Martin Webre borrowing Clence's wagon to haul cotton bales to the gin and often, he saw 5/6 bales picked waiting to be brought to the gin

***Only estimate of year was included in original notes, no specific month or day***

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Clence Ancelet personal narrative; Folktales; Oral history
Barry Jean Ancelet
Clence Ancelet
Recording date: 
Thursday, January 1, 1970
Coverage Spatial: 
Marais Bouleur, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Cajun Folktales by Various Storytellers

Accession No.: 

Storytellers;Copy of AN1.083;

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folktales
Barry Jean Ancelet
Coverage Spatial: 
Lafayette, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
16 bit
Sampling Rate: 
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore

Interview with Clence Ancelet

Accession No.: 

Clence Ancelet (58):

-Games during the Great Depression of October 1929
-Clence graduated in 1935 at 18 years old
-Had to find games that didn't costs 5 cents, they were so poor

-La Pelotte aux Bats
-Bats made of Sage Orange woods, lasts over 50 years
-Balls--made with cowhide and cotton seeds
-25 bas, le chien essayait à t'attraper. 25 haut
-Picayune, Silas Ancelet always had the stick made of dogwood/cherry wood, à l'école
-Rules for 25 haut, aimer pas être le chien
-Cacher-fête. Israel Arceneaux, George Albarado (Nonc Albert's son), Silas Ancelet, et un autre a fait sauver Mme.Julien Comeaux

-Clifton Albarado, Nonc McGee, et un autre garçon à Nonc Albert et les chiens enragé
-Canique (2 qualités: grand rond et 'tit carreau/rond faite)

-Tirer les caniques
-Clence avait des caniques en acier, en cuivre, une 'stoone'/agate
-Slingshot Hunting without rocks
-Fouillant un puit carré, la terre jaune avant le sable était pris, trempé, et séché à l'ombre pour que çe craque pas
-Comment faire une bayonette avec un bardeau (roofing shingle)

(6:47) - Slingshot needs 2 elastic bands and has a fork, bayonette needs one 1-ft long
-Tirer les bayonettes en l'air les dimanches et gagner des caniques pour aller le plus loin
-Des têtes plus larges/plus petit pour gagner de l'argent;
-Des cerfs-volants (kites). Nathan Ancelet les faisiat avec 4 palettes, Clence les faisait avec 3
-5/10 sous cerf-volant à l'école à Scott avec 'Texas Longstar' écrit dessu en crayon de couleur noir
-Gagné des prix

(9:18) - Revenant du bal chez Gérard Forestier de Vatican. Billy Mattieu (Garçon à Nonc Frank et Dada/Mme. Babineaux)
-Course à cheval. Billy's horse died from being impaled by a buggy shaft (brancard)
-Stopped Dalton Sonnier, Verna Mae, Clence. They were 2 or 3 buggies
-Chasse au cache-cache (snipes)
-Clence and his brother prenait des boules de terre grasse (terre jaune des puits/canals)
-Fanals/lanternes et boites de soulier en arrière. Dur à trouver du manger

(12:06) - Les jeux de mots
-Clence's father-in-law, Elie 'Greo' Sonnier, had a sugar mill and the black man who made syrup there was named Jack Jolivette
Il était canaille quand il était jeune et une femme l'appelait 'mon espèce de 'tit greo'
-Restant du tac-tac
-Deviner des fruits à la sucrerie à Greo Sonnier
-Loné Lacy, la femme à Etienne LeBlanc qui reste à Scott, première cousine à Verna Mae, était meilleure galopeuse de toutes les filles
-Mme. Easton Domingue, Eunice, jouant 'Over, Never'. Clence l'a cogné avec la pelotte
-Le Dimanche après, la pelotte au bat (baseball) chez Elinor Lantier (jaune à Mr. Greo)
-Clence hit Loretta same as he hit Eunice the week before

(15:30) - Les petites rimes (rythmes)
-Dédé Lacart à chaque bord d'une porte
-Papillion vole (coup de pichnet)
-Il fallait lever le doigt quand l'affiare volait, et le tenir à la même place quand ça volait pas
-La pelote au trou. 'Tant elle est chaude, tire'
-La pelote à quatre buts

(19:03) - Pique partout. Il fallait tirer fort et les filles étaient pas bonnes pour ça
-Clence aimait 'Faire Boire la Vieille Truie'. Un vieux tin can de gallon et une branche
-Alphé Sonnier hit Clence's leg, and it took 2 weeks for it to heal
-Clence, Dalton Sonnier, Elton à Nonc Adam Blanchard de Rayne faisant des petits trucks et des petits chemin chez Mr. Greo
-La charrette chez Mme. Onézime Credeur
-'Tite Credeur, Bijou Credeur, et Noon Credeur. Leur père était un forgeron
-Cariole (boghei sans top). Passer entre les arbres
-Dalton Sonnier, Alphé Sonnier, les Credeur, et les nouveaux/étrangers se mettait en dedans la charette pour faire cocher la jambe

(24:28) - Les petits contes cochons. Dit juste quand il y avait des garçons alentour
-Florida; Le cabri de couleur café au lait. Jo Bill. Le monter dessus un basin et une manne
-Il a cogné sa mère quand elle changeait le foin des niques de poules en bas de la maison et elle a cogné sa tête contre le plancher/le bas de la maison
-Les bals pendant la Dépression chez 'Tit Maurice dans le clos d'huile à Bosco
-25 cents, un plein jour d'ouvrage. Ils allaient 30 minutes de bonheur pour être qu'ils pourraient travailler
-5 sous pour le truck ride au bal, tu partais propre et t'arrivais tout époussiéré
-Bals chez Gérard Forestier à Vatican
-Sidney Babineuax à Mire/Bosco au nord de Duson
-Spéra Doguet?
-Tout le monde allait chez 'Tit Maurice où il y avait des bons constables comme Joe Hanks
-S'acheter des petits hamburgers/boulettes chez 'Tit Maurice
-Mme. Brud Prejean dans l'hopital, fille à Amédé Miller. Voisins à Clence

***Only estimate of year was included in original notes, no specific month or day***

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Clence Ancelet personal narrative; Folk tales; Oral history
Barry Jean Ancelet
Clence Ancelet
Recording date: 
Thursday, January 1, 1970
Coverage Spatial: 
Marais Bouleur, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Interview with Clence Ancelet

Accession No.: 

Clence Ancelet (58):

-Des petites contes
-Vieux mulet dans le clos de tactac
-La grosse tortue entre Pont Breaux et St. Martin
-Bougre qu'a pris son stand
-Le chien de chasse à lapin. Après 18 années, il a cogné une guête et c'est ça qui l'a tué
-Onze chiens
-Chanter ‘Guaïame, et Morizo’
-Deux mulets, un noir et un blanc

(4:08) - Le mulet qui haler la charrue. Avait besoin d’un nouveau collier/bourreur
-Alexandre Bonnet avait une grocerie 3 miles ouest de la Butte Rouge et chargeait un gros interêt
-Jurer. ‘Fils de Poteau’ au lieu de ‘Fils de Putain’. Maja, Ma fois
-‘Tonnerre mes chiens’ would be the worst thing someone would say

(5:00) - Je vas fonder ton fond de culotte, Je vas couper ton rubbon, sacrer/foutre un coup
-Maudit, fils de putain, espèce de tchue
-Tout commun aujourd’hui. Ils auraient dit, « Bec la place que ma mère m’a buché quand j’étais petit/Bec ma croupillon »
-Fils de poteau, criminelle, ça quand même, nomme ? de Dieu, tonerre mes chiens
-Le vieux monde aurait jamais dit des cochonneries
-Les enfants sont en charge asteur
-Dans le temps, tu faisais ça tes parents/ta femme te disait sans question
-‘Va à la miche’, pas ‘va à la merde’
-Coullion = imbécible, fou, pas éclairé, pas smart
-100 illons pour faire 1 arceau, 100 arceaux pour faire un moza, 100 mozas pour faire un coullion
-Nonc Toute racontait ça aussi; Les vieilles femmes disent que les femmes d’aujourd’hui ont plus d’ouvrages
-Elles buchaient une enfant avec la main gauche et chageaient une couche et têter un bébé avec l’autre
-Deux hommes: un en char et un en boghei. Radiator a cassé
-Radieu/radio, ils pouvaient pas dire ‘radiator’. Da? Forestier avait abordé/fait frouche
-Les parties d'un boghei: la sellette, la croupière, les guides, le harnais, les traits, le palonnier, les brancards, une lune, les garde de yeux
-Les noms des mulets : Daisy et Molly. Molly avait les 4 pattes blanches et la tonnerre l’a tué
-Daisy fait 28 récoltes. Prince, Sally, et Nanny, Mammy et Contraille

Aggie et Daisy:
-Le père à Clence élevait les mulets dessus des juments
-Ils les vendait à Mr. Ulysse Miller de Bosco (beau-père à Stanley Begnaud
-Stanley est un garçon à Alexandre ‘Frère’ Begnaud)
-Les noms des mulets dans le vieux temps: Liza, Smith, Daisy, Mike, Joe/Joe Bé, Hurry et Murry, Molly, Henry. Des noms aisé
-Comme la chanson, ‘Chère Alice’
-Les noms des chiens. Tous les chiens étaient nommés Rover
-Poppé, Spot. Chien Basset nommé Poppé Clence avait
-Tuer les chiens quand la rage est venu: des bêtes avec la rage (rabies)
-Clence avait 14 ans. Norbert et Sidney Sonnier. Bruler avec du gas
-Les renards emmènent la rage. Strict 9 pour tuer les chiens (rat terriers)

(15:53) - Les noms des vaches: Fleurette, Caillette (si caille), Marie, Sylvia, Noironne (si noir), Blanchette (si blanche), Baïeonne
-Miba une autre nom pour un chien. Mr. Romain Domingue en avait un. Rover, Miba, Spot, Basset, Kino
-Nommait pas les poules
-Battre des gaïmes (fighting roosters). Ainsille, des espagnoles, des lulujaps (gaïme noir, ressemblaient indien), des hennys
-Des gaïmes en gaffe: des hatchs, des clarets, des roundheads
-Albert Albarado et les meilleurs gaimes batailleurs. Clifton, son garçon, a des bons gaïmes
-Nonc McGee, le papa du docteur à Duson, a un gaïme qu’a tué 16/17 gaïmes
-Pas assez d’argent pour acheter ce gaïme
-Nonc McGee élevait des chiens de chasse/pinters? aussi
-Refusait $100 le chien pendant la Dépression, comme $1,000 aujourd’hui
-Il a même refusé $300 pour un chien. Il tuait 88 perdrix dans une journée. Jamais des taïauts
-Chien demi-taïaut qui coutait $25. Il a tué 8 lapins en revenant. Il auarait pas pris $8,000 pour
-Le chien à Mr. Ovey Comeaux de Kaplan, Queen
-Adam Comeaux avait un Queen aussi (Chesapeake)
-Comment appeler/les faire s’en aller un chat (minou chat/coups de pied pour le faire s’en aller)
-une vache (chow. Hooba pour la faire sortir), un chien (siffle, ‘tu veux passer’/’tchu passer’), des poules (kiddy, shoo), des oies/canards (cannie, rien pour les faire s’en aller)
-Homme à Indian Bayou (Linsey Comeaux) sifflait pour appeler ses canards

(21:05) - Les canards doux sont plus vite que les canards farouches. Les tirer, et les decoys
-Appeler des Cochons (choo-eep/shoo avec 5 coups de pieds)
-Appeler une vache et un veau la même affaire
-Weather Forecasting avec des perdrix. Ils criaient quand l’air changeait
-Le vieux monde avait pas des barometers/rain gauges et savait exactement quand il aurait mouillé
-La marrée au Hollybeach, si il y avait pas de lame pour un mile et pour 3 heures de temps, un ouragan venait le lendemain
-Il aurait mouillé quand les vaches se couchaient
-Quand le vent soufflait au sud, il aurait mouillé 2 jours après. Guetter les nuages
-Quand les chevaux/vaches se sauvaient juste en avant d’un orage bleu, la grêle venait
-La grêle chez Mr. Easton Domingue 6 ans passé (April 17, 1969)
-Eugene Laclas à Scott a ramassé un morceau qui mesurait 6 pouces de large et 11 pouces de long
-Easton, Eunice, Clence, et Verna Mae on vu de la grêle aussi grosse comme un œuf de z-oie/canards
-Tu peux le sentir venir sur la terre, pas sur du ciment
-Was in 1964, they had their new car in the shop. La grêle a passé en travers une feuille de zinc chez Dalton Sonnier
-Il y avait pas de vent. Morceaux plus gros que le point à Barry
-Aussi fort que des coups de fusils quand la chasse ouvre/coups de tonnerre

(25:58) - Comment appeler un veau (shigué/chiquer pour l’envoyer)
-Les petits contes à Mr. Edouard pour les animaux
-Le Male Hibou
-Le conte d'Henri, le plus vieux conte Clence a jamais entendu
-Grand-père Louis Ancelet de Bardeau, France disait ça. Il était pur Français
-L’en plate. Le Rodaire où Lidley ‘Nous-nous’ Dugas reste
-Mr. Adolf Brasseaux restait là au ras d’Alvin Viator/Gladu LeBlanc
-Communion des petits à Larrell ‘Gros’ et Darrell ‘Petit’ Richard, le rodaire est un gros marais que tous le bêtes allaient autour pour s’en préserver des moustiques
-3 miles dans le soleil couchant de Ossun, entre Scott, Duson, et Ossun

(29:07) - Robert Robispierre:
-Comment faire des cabresses en usant des tarabis. Couper les queues de vaches, gazette, bois (tarabis)
-1 strand, 1 brin. Ça prends une heure pour faire les deux nœuds. S’il mouille, elle vient jamais dure
-Un veau peut pas le chiquer. Mais si tu la coup, il se défait. Bonnes pour des reines de brides
-2 brins noirs et 2 brins blancs fait manière comme un serpent, jolie
-Pourrit rarement et va durer des années
-Ils pouvaient pas acheter des cables, ils faisaient avec ça ils avaient
-Dans le vieux temps, 25 sous pour une cabresse de 10 pieds long
-Aujourd’hui une de 3 pieds pour faire une ceinture vaut $20 et $10 pour faire comme une cravate au ras de ton cou
-Il faut du beau soleil pour les faire
-S’il brumasse ou fait froid ou il vente un tas, tu peux pas en faire parce qu’elles vont nouer
-Clence en faisait au Crowley Rice Festival pour Valex Richard

***Only estimate of year was included in original notes, no specific month or day***

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Clence Ancelet personal narrative; Folktales; Oral history
Barry Jean Ancelet
Clence Ancelet
Recording date: 
Thursday, January 1, 1970
Coverage Spatial: 
Marais Bouleur, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Pascal Stories by Hubert Reed, Alexandre Manuel, and Alvin Fontenot

Accession No.: 

Hubert Reed (51); Alexandre Manuel (62); Elvin Fontenot (48):

(***same as AN1.113***)

-Breathing 'de la brèle' 300 yards away like a box of matches
-Manche de pipe à Bouki, une corne d'éléphant
-En haut dans le ciel, ça prend 3 trois pour prendre le chemin
-Le chemin blanc pour les anges et le chemin rouge pour le diable, ça fait chaud là
-Tonerre le chien. 13 chiens, 3 qu'est mort. Le plus petit pèse 400 livres
-Les chiens aiment pas les cadiens, ils ont peur que ça va les empoisonner
-Le plus vieux chien a 102 ans et fait des boulettes premier avec son passepartout?
-Jeter un nègre dans la rivière en Afrique aux crocodrils
-Jane, Tarzan et cheetah?
-Des cries dans ces grands bois, bananes, coconuts

(5:05) - Pascal a été à la lune/en Afrique
-3 ou 4 fois en Afrique. Une bande de sauvages avec leur spears.100 nègres. Bales de coton
-Commencé avec $10, sortit avec $10, a bu 3 bières, gagné sa bière et 3 sous en échange. $15
-Jouer aux cartes à Basile, 3 pairs de deux, une bonne main. L'autre avait 7 aces
-$10/mois et garocher
-Aller à la boutique une fois par semaine (samedi après-midi)
-Quel qu'un dormait tant les autres ramassait du coton?
-Des cendres/de la suie de la cheminée

(10:28) - Mettre l'eau dans la baille, l'eau devenait noir et il sortit dehors sans linge
-Hack à Moreau mettait du bleu dessus des oeufs
-Langues bleus resseblaient à un arc-en-ciel
-Pondait 3 oeufs par jour
-Gros gaïme rouge (silver spur)
-Prêcheur et les gros animaux en pairs. La sauterelle en fer (combine). La fin du monde

(14:46) - Tout le monde serait mangé execpt les cadiens
-Les Carencros mange pas un cadien, rien mange un cadien. Mailman et chiens
-L'opération de Hube (cervelle d'éléphant et un coeur de caouenne, Pascal stories)
-Cervelle, oublie jamais
-Il va pas se raser. 300 années
-Il y avait pas des ciseaux dans ce temps là
-Charette à boeuf
-Wild West

(19:39) - Bully Severne toujours dans la savane
-Un boucher (Boulé Sévenne (bougre, petit Marais Bouleur, Pascal stories)
-Les talles d'éronces. Portraits. 15 livres. Jambes molles comme un cushion
-Une branche à pelote. Hypnotized
-l'Amour. Chevaux tout blanc, une dans toute la bande qu'est noir
-Jim et un cheval qui restait. Sel et bon. Mayo
-Monkey see, monkey do. Hair transplant?
-Bonne terre, une 'tite graine de moutard
-Après deux semaines, c'était gros comme un chêne, 24 pieds de long et 16 pieds de large
-Lapin gros comme un éléphant

(25:19) - Jim avait une grosse moiselle
-Baloon. Waterwell tank
-Boire du coal oil pour les caprices/la galle de 7/8 ans/du mal au vent
-Vieux taïeut grattait bien
-Pascal sur la lune et partager la lune
-Il y avait un étranger avec un oeil, un gros nez, des grands oreilles qui pouvait entendre de 5,000 miles
-Military glider. Crop duster dans l'orag

(30:22) - Sirens
-La viande de cochon (pork chops) à 4 heures. Femmes qu'arrivait à la messe à 3:30 pm
-La tonnerre a frappé 3 fois. L'orage de tonnerre
-Une éclaire a touché la barrière?

(35:40) - Nonc Olide
-Santa Clause a la grippe et il prends sa place
-Tante Horore c'est une soeur à Nonc Olide
-Elle a 102 ans et fait ça depuis elle a 4 ans. Elle bois ses vitamins
-Bunny bread cheaper. 3 pour $1
-Prendre 6 pains de tête de lapin. Ça va venir dur, il voulait 12 après ça

(39:10) - Ed et Bee Deshotels ont raconté une histoire de Bouki et Lapin à Barry
-Bouki et Lapin à la chasse. 4 jours
-La vieille truie qui mangeait les poules
-16? Laver du linge dessus le frottoir avec du sel
-6 pieds de neige demain
-Les oreilles à Hube sonnent (Pascal stories)

Hubert Reed et Alexandre Manuel:

(***same as AN1.114***)

(44:16) - How Pascal stories began
-Piano player played 500-lb piano on his head. Half razorback hog, little mule
-Il usait ses orteilles pour frotter le violin sur l'archet (à l'envers). Played in G flat
-Taïeut à Reddell beuglaient
-Tombé et épaille tous ses notes parterre. Il l'a remis enssemble à l'envers
-Jouer Jolie Blonde, Le Two Step de Frissons de la Ville Platte sortait
-Grand Mamou, Jolie Blonde sortait. Ses notes étaient à l'envers
-Peinturé at usait des marteaux de forge pour cogner les notes
-Un de 16 livres et un de 14/13 livres pour cogner les springs de boghei
-2 négresses avec des lataniers de 16 pieds de diamètre pour l'évanter
-Il jouait bien, tout le monde dansait
-Sauvages, nègres, et cadiens (2 qualités: à pies gris et à ventre jaune)
-Hitler? cognait le guitar et Tojo jouait le violon. 3 mois passé et il a une cervelle d'éléphant
-Bande de souris qui fait strip key, go-go girls étaient des puces vu en travers un grand vitre
-Ça coûtait pas cher, une douzaine d'oeuf ou un morceau de béquine
-Tente fait des sacs-à-riz et un tas des peeping toms
-Guard avait le bat à Babe Ruth et cognait des home runs chaque fois il trouvait un peeping tom
-12 oeufs pour 15 min., 6 oeufs pour 7 et 3/4 min.
-Les puces faisaient strip tease
-Vieux taïeut qu'avait pas de dents/ongles pouvait pas se gratter
-Nourissait avec une patate chaude tous les trois jours et trois ou quatre oeufs pourrit

(50:51) - Pascal avait 12 pieds de haut et pèsait 70 livres. Maigre et taille 14 dans les souliers
-Rode high line wires 700 mph et rouge comme une brèle avec un dent en haut et un en bas comme un écureuil
-Il mangeait des noix/des pacanes
-Il a été en Angleterre pour ésperer Lindburg à mer dessus son bicycle. Il a cogné quelques baleines
-He answered the phone himself
-Vieille Tante Coque s'a teint les cheveux verts, avait une moustache, 3 tours au tour de ses oreilles, catogan avec les bouts qui restaient
-Haler le barbed wire
-Nonc Olide, son boyfriend, est mort quand il avait 123 ans le 32 de février
-La grippe et la gomme? Briques/bloques en ciment chaudes dans le front pour le faire tousser

(55:56) - Nonc Olide aimait manger pour son déssert 15 livres des bulls rouge/noir
-Son coeur a changé de place. Mal au ventre tout le monde. Mis son coeur dans le dos
-La limonade de Texas vient du l'eau de la Coulée Duralde
-L'eau dans le pistes des vaches, t'as pas pour metter autant de sucre. Sucre est cher asteur
-Delton tout taindu. Marcher dans les pistes de vache
Camp avec de la graisse de crapaud
-Pascal avait été à la lune dans une emballeuse. Oulbié la bloque pour séparer le bale
-Coupé un pied de moutard qui vient 10 pieds de diamètre. Perdu la bloque
-Amarré avec des petits chaines de 150 livres
-Il pouvait pas éteindre sa machine

(1:00:13) - Pascal était gâté, il était enfant unique
-Les brancards de son bicycle ont cassé et il fallait ordonner ça
-Il a essayé avec une corne de la lune?
-Bouki nettoies les crachoires et dad arrange les craques? pour 20 ans
-Tu peux pas retire quand t'arrive en haut. Astronauts
-He speaks English like a Chinese person
-Tramp et puis un hobo. Ses pouces
-Defunct Francis. Bottes et des cuillottes verts
-3 our 4 frogs, 1 ou 2 patassas, des écrevisses dans tes poches. T'as ton seafood platter droite-là
-Making whiskey at Duralde Coulée
-5 sous la cigarette de Mexique
-Fume 3 tours dessus ça et lèves plus haut que ta tête? Pas trop cher

(1:04:55) - Dyes: des verts, des bleus, des rouges, et des blancs
-Spin around, corners around cut, like a top
-2 'tit razobacks (mulets) pour l'emballeuse avec des patches dessus leurs yeux
-'Tit verrat et des nouvelles d'en haut (si ça mouille)
-Sauver le foin. Combine à Jim a 700 pieds de haut
-Coupe ces moutards gros comme les gros chênes de mers
-Maudit Lapins raising hell. Diamètre de 6 pieds
-Feuilles 16 pieds de large, 24 pieds de longs. Déjà salé et pimenté
-Plus fort dessus le bord brillant de la lune que dessus le bord noir
-Plus mexicains
-Sac-à-riz. Aiment pas les poivres
-Jim a tout dévéloppé l'affaire et ésperait les astronauts pour les flag comment atterir

(1:09:35) - Bring headlights, ox, and 'charrette' to explore the dark side of the moon
-Ox digs so fast in 15 min., he'll be 20 feet deep
-Bully dug a whole 9 X 14 and 100 ft deep
-Pèsait 7 tonnes. Commencé à acheter la terre, haut comme un water well tank
-Cloche d'église pendu dans le cou
-Partir à 4/4:15 am en pétard/balloon. Prend 26 heures et quelques minutes
-Tenir son souffle 3 heures de temps
-Comme une pelote en élastique
-Premièrement découvrir la lune. Pascal et son bicycle cassé
-Ouragans et tourbillions 3 mois passé
-Ramassé mémère qui brodait dans sa berceuse, "land sake, what a breeze"

(1:15:22) - La roulette
-Cable en acier
-Le village qui l'aimait pas en Chine/Pacific/Guam/Manilla
-Put cord around whole village
-Coupé en dent avec le passepartout de 50 pieds de longs à Bouki
-Jolie fille à la bar
-Your mother still cooks for the priest?
-Woke him up to go to Hollybeach
-Bouki et les sauvages en haut
-Corne à Mardi Gras de 7 pieds de long
-Tué des éléphants dans la guerre. Tiré avec fusils de 90" de canon. 4,000 livres. Slingshots

(1:19:39) - Jim fed that way while in Japan
-3 or 4 boxcars of rocks for his slingshot
-Il restait a Mamou et a parti après son cheval est mort. L'anse à Guiguiche?
-L'anse à Guiguiche est à l'autre bord de Chatainger
-Pas de soleil, seulement des étoiles parce qu'ils sont dans un trou. Comme une montagne
-Des macaronis coupés en tranches. Bloque de 2 miles carré
-Redwood Trees in Californie
-Istitube? drôle de nom
-Le chien à Pascal était le plus petit dans le monde, il pèsait 3 onces
-Les chevreuils se sauvaient quand il allait à la chasse. Il le perdait pour 3 mois de temps

(1:25:41) - Le chien a passé à travers le canon, double-barrel, et a jamais arrêté
-Could hear him cry from 3 miles away in the woods
-Barry parle while people play pool: Vendre du pain dessus les routes
-Revenir à son boss avec 36 poules, 12? douzaines d'oeufs, et 10 sous. Pas d'argent
-Entre Bouki et Jim, ils ont tout cassé les boutiques alentour d'ici
-Boire du lait et manger du pain
-Jim set a trap on the staircase
-28 population 100 quarts par jour pour aller nourrir leurs patassas
-9-lb bream

***Unknown recording date/place. Coverage Temporal & Spatial just an estimate***

Media Type: 
Folk tales; Cajun; Pascal;
Barry Jean Ancelet
Hubert Reed; Alexandre Manuel; Alvin Fontenot;
Recording date: 
Thursday, January 1, 1970
Coverage Spatial: 
Mamou, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Cajun and Creole Folk tales by Various Storytellers

Accession No.: 

Bud Fentroy (Mary Fentroy's Son) (same as AN1.112):

-Bouki and Lapin raising sweet potatoes/corn. Lapin always fooled Bouki (fox)
-Bouki and Lapin raising crops with bucket of butter for lunch
-Christening babies 'Lick the Top' then 'Halfway Gone' and 'Lick the Bottom'
-Lapin fooled Bouki to throw him in the bushes

(6:01) - Hearing these stories and others from his mother & grandmother
-Lil Boy who ran away from home (back in the times of cannibalism). 3 bigger brothers told him he couldn't follow them
-Found shovel to give to the little brother, then found some marbles, then an old house to sleep in where an old lady lived
-Tied heads of the bigger boys to know who they were. She had 3 daughters and put rags around their heads
-Old lady came around 2 AM and chopped her own daughters heads off
-Called their names Marion, Suzanne, and Ouzane in the morning and told them she had fresh meat
-They never came/woke up. Boys had left and she ran after them in her boots
-The boys climbed the big tree with the lady after them. The older brothers fell in the sack
-She climbed the tree going after the little boy and got stuck
-The little boy jumped, let out his brothers and caught the lady in the sack and tied her up there

(11:58) - Jesse James stories from his dad
-Jesse James and his brother Frank James were outlaws and took from the rich to give to the poor
-He liked to fight. He wanted revenge for the people who killed his mother
-Robbed banks and trains and the rich, but never the poor
-Jesse was the mean one, Frank always tried to quiet him down
-They were working in the field when mother was murdered
-Informant heard this story when he was 5 years old
-They were viewed as heroes by poor. Not talking about it too much

(15:05) - Not many people still tell stories to their children. So much television now
-Thinks his children might be too old to enjoy these stories, some of his stories told to classes on Fridays
-Taught for 24 years. Only 6 years he's a supervisor principal
-Children would sometimes tell stories they heard from their parents & grandparents

Mary Fentroy:

-Bouki et Lapin faisant la récolte (patates douces et maïs) (same story as above)
-Lapin's always getting something and Bouki gets nothing. Hanging/drowning Lapin would be a sin?
-Throwing Lapin in the briers. Lapin always won

Red Riding Hood & Goldilocks and Three Bears (23:41)
-Three brothers who ran away from home (same story as above) (can't remember the latter part)
-Little brother rescued big brothers from old lady who ate children
-Little brother didn't sleep well, maybe he was worried. Old lady brought him some tea to soothe his stomach or having her build a fire to warm him. Woke up brothers while she was gone and left. Put logs under sheets to make as if the boys were still there
-'Fresh meat'
-Boys would've died if their little brother wouldn't have been with them

Bedtime stories to children after they got their lessons (31:35)
-Mary was an only child. Learned these stories from her father
-Telling stories at school on Fridays. Country schools

(37:50) - Little Red Riding Hood
-Grandmother made her red cape. Why she's called 'Little Red Riding Hood'
-Bouki et Lapin baptiser. Bouki priest. Butter for lunch (same story as above)
-'Juste commené,' 'La Moitié,' et 'Licher le fond'
-La paix avec Lapin. Lapin mange tout. Hanging/throwing Lapin in the well would be a sin?
-Throwing Lapin in the briers. Lapin always outsmarted Bouki

(46:00) - Rabbit and Cat roasting chestnuts. Cat chasing mice
-L'éléphant, le serpent?, et le temps frais. Il a peur de gêler
-Monter une montagne, ça fait plus froid en haut
-Le serpent mordant l'éléphant. Ils ont marché et ont été voir Lapin
-Mettre le serpent au côté de la plage et le laisser là

(54:50) - Bouki et Lapin et la maison du Diable. Barry asks if she know it but, she doesn't
-Also asked about Sauterelle et Froumi earlier and she didn't know that one either

Barry Ancelet & Revon Reed visiting Ed & Bee Deshotel (Same as AN1.092):

Bee Deshotel:

-Father Marcelus Deshotels told stories and sang
-Didn't have much else to do back then other than tell stories
-Jean l'Ours et la fille du roi
-Le roi était millionaire, jaloux, et quittait personne parler avec sa fille (yeux bleu et cheveux jaune)
-Jean l'Ours avait les meilleurs chiens de chasse, les plus beaux cochons et boeufs, la meilleure couleur
-Le grand coureur, le grand tireur, le grand souffleur, et le grand crieur. Et le bon entendeur
-La fille du roi qui se baignait dans le lac et Jean l'Ours la jettant des pierres
-Il est venu pour la marier. Elle doit être gagné
-Les cochons du roi et les cochon de Jean l'Ours
-Jean l'Ours tué 2 chevreuils avec ses chiens/taïeut
-Demander au roi pour sa fille. Ça prendrait la richesse du monde pour marier sa fille
-La course de 500 miles entre le sauvage et l'homme/les hommes à Jean l'Ours
-Souffle un 'tit orage
-Jean l'Ours a gagné la fille du roi. Le roi lui a donné toute sa richesse/bijouterie, et il a donné le roi tou ça il avait
-Bee a appris cette histoire avec son père

(1:04:18) - Jody McBrown, un vieux sauvage
-120-130 years old, gold bracelet, gold tooth, earrings with name on it. One day, he disappeared
-Narcisse went to hunt squirrels in McBrown's yard
-Big owl would come scare squirrels away each time Narcisse would try to shoot
-Shot the owl down, it was Jody McBrown. Brought Jean Louis to see the owl
-He was so old; he was given the choice to be whatever he wanted
-So, he chose to be an owl to take care of the squirrels in his yard and make sure no one killed them

(1:09:04) - Minette et ses roulettes. Un des plus vieilles histoires
-Minette woulait du lait pour ses roulettes. La vache voulait du foin pour du lait
-La faux voulait du vent et du lard pour du foin; La truie voulait des glands pour du lard
-Le chêne voulait du vent pour des glands. La mer a donné du vent pour le chêne

Ed Deshotel:

(1:13:00) - Le pont du Nez Piqué (conte puis chanson)
-Les bêtes disparaient. Une petit s'assiait dessus le pont pour pêcher. Le pont soufflait, en vie?
-C'était un cocodril. 10 tirages d'un gros canon pour le tuer et 100 paires de gros mulets pour l'ôter
-Le bayou a baissé 3 pieds et le monde l'a séparé en morceaux
-Gave 50 barrels of grease and enough meat for the year
-500 pairs of shoes and boots from hide. Now a cement bridge

(1:17:47) - Song
-Lying tradition with examples
-Le chien de chasse à perdrix et les serpents sonnette
-Tiré le serpent et le chien a resté comme s'il y avait toujours une perdrix
-Jouer avec le serpent. Le serpent a charmé le chien à lui emmener son manger, et le chien a crevé de faim
-La grosse cabri. Elle a donné 50 gallons de graise et un 'tit brin dans une tasse

Bee Deshotel:

(1:23:46) - Tit Lou et Prospère (pêcheurs). Faire l'amour avec à la femme à l'autre et se révenger
-Le cheval de chasse à perdrix. Pareil comme le chien
-Goujon caille qui pèsait 25 livres dessus la drague
-Le cheval a sentit la perdrix dans l'estomac du goujon

(1:32:25) - Bouki et Lapin (2 malfaiteurs) dans la grocerie
-Bouki se faisait un cochon avec lui même et pouvait pas sortir de la grocerie
-Il s'a caché, le marchand a trouvé
-Bouki et l'a fait travailler toute la journée
-'Pas proche'. Le vieil homme qu'a demander à le jeune fille qui le carressait d'aller se coucher
-Elle a dit ,"Pas proche," il avait pas de chance
-Les jumelles (Hébert) qui se ressemblaient, leur parents pouvaient pas les distingué
-"Celle-là à la droite ressemble plus à l'autre"

Media Type: 
Folk tales; Creoles; Cajuns;
Barry Jean Ancelet
Bud Fentroy; Mary Fentroy; Revon Reed; Ed & Bee Deshotel;
Recording date: 
Wednesday, January 1, 1975
Coverage Spatial: 
Parks, LA; Cade, LA; Redell & Mamou, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Folktales by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Morin, Revon Reed;

Accession No.: 

Edward Morin (82 (origianally cataloged as 67)), Revon Reed, Mrs. Morin:

Edward Morin:

-Laurent et Télismar à la pêche avec Délai le chien dedans la Rivière Mermentau (conte fort: motif X1215.8 (ba) ('man tosses a dollar into river the dog dives and comes up with 16-pound carp and 35 cents in change') avec introduction formulaire

-Vieux Narcisse Mayeux
-Le cheval aux sabots creux (Bol) (conte fort: X1241.1)
-La mule qui avait du gaz (Shine) (conte fort)

(3:08) - La cheminée (conte fort: X1767.2*(a))
-La truie avare tournée à l'envers (conte fort: X1611.1.5.1 *(a))
-On a tué le cheval à Pépère (farce: X584.2*)
-Contes étaient dit quand le monde se veillait. Tout ce monde est mort (75 years ago)

(6:02) - Le maïs en turpentine (conte fort)

Revon Reed:

-Le melon aux graines de benné
-Tous ces conteurs étaient des menteurs
-Ils y avaient pas de TV, radio, gazette. Ils visitaient

Edward Morin:

(8:35) - Jean-Pierre à la chasse (conte fort: 1890)
-La hache à Auguste (conte fort: X1622.3.3.2*(a))

(11:21) - Nonc Tarre et la journée chaude/froide

Mrs. Morin:

-Le tourbillon (conte fort: X1611.1.16*; X1611.1.8 *(g)); X1318*)

Edward Morin:

-Notre mariage (anecdote)
-Prêtre Père Lavasseur. Honeymoons

(15:56) - Sa vieille tante et le chien

(17:08) - Les trois Irlandais (farce)
-Des jardins plantés

***Only estimate of month and year was included in original notes, no specific day***

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folk tales
Barry Jean Ancelet
Edward Morin, Revon Reed, and Mrs. Morin
Recording date: 
Wednesday, January 1, 1975
Coverage Spatial: 
Pointe aux Pins, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Folk tales and Ballads by Elizabeth Landreneau and Revon Reed

Accession No.: 

Elizabeth Landreneau (71), Revon Reed:

Elizabeth Landreneau:

Les Dégos sont tous malades (chanson)
-Nuns from Europe who wanted hamburgers. Les hot dogs étaient tout qui restait. Une a espéré pour voir quelle partie du chien l'autre aurait reçu (farce)
-'Tit Galop Pour Mamou (chanson)

(2:28) - Du sucre et du café pour un oeuf (anecdote)
-Chère Mignonne/Cher 'Tit Monde (Nathan Abshire) (Aimer et Perdre by Joe Falcon) (harmonica)
-Sounds like Grand Mamou
-'Tit Galop pour La Pointe Aux Pins (harmonica). Breath

(5:50) - La femme avec la rose sur sa jambe (conte)
-John Sotte beurre les craques (conte)

(8:57) - John Sotte veut un z-oie (fille)
-Vieux Gabriel: D'autre tabac! (farce, CT 1742)

Revon Reed:

-Sosthène, la première fois à la boutique
-Il voulait une patate parce que c'était la seule affaire il était familier avec

Elizabeth Landreneau (avec Revon Reed):

(12:29) - La réception (désert) dehors
-Le monde mangeait du gâteau juste pour les noces: Un cochon entre les jambes (farce C.T. 1838 variante)
-Landreneau's mother told her more stories than her father
-Revon says some stories are old/from France. Preserving stories over generations

(16:33) - Comment faire des bébés (conte)
-Son père lui a dit il fallait planter des graines
-Il a trouvé son 'bébé' dans le clos et le laissait téter
-Serpents qui tétaient les vaches/les femmes et le bébé tétait la queue du serpent
-Discussion of feu follet/fifollet (ball of fire) (legende)
-Comme un revenant (ghost). Phosphorus gas that would give white effect and disappear
-Growing up in prairies of Vidrine, LA
-Les vieux allaient juste à la chasse/pêche
-Marsh gas
-Cow has enough gas to heat a house for one day

(22:37) - Claire de lune
-Avertissements que quelqu'un vient de mourir. Les hiboux/chouettes (legende)
-Revon rentre dans une maison avec un parasol ouvert
-Landreneau's father would get black people to come pick cotton in August/September
-Her and her mother would stay home. Gros lilas
-La première fois elle voyait une chouette (signe de mortalité dans la famille)
-La femme à Jules Landreau est mort tout d'un coup (heart attack)
-Elle a jamais cru dans les revenants

(25:42) - Fouilller de l'argent (legende)
-Phillip avait un 'mine detector'/gadget et a trouvé une chaudière d'or
-Avait tout le temps un diary et écrivait tout. Ile est devenu riche un jour tout d'un coup
-Le monde a Lafayette cherche pour ça
-Mack Manuel à dit à Revon avant il a vendu sa terre, le monde la fouillait
-Dédé Anderson
-Big pot they used to make sugar
-Spanish gold and became rich. Still have pot in Scott and used as a trough
-Someone tried to make a hole in it, but the metal was too thick
-Putting money in the bank

***Only estimate of month and year was included in original notes, no specific day***

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folk tales; Ballads
Barry Jean Ancelet
Elizabeth Landreneau and Revon Reed
Recording date: 
Wednesday, January 1, 1975
Coverage Spatial: 
Mamou, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Folk tales by Bee Deshotel and Ed Deshotel

Accession No.: 

Bee Deshotel (54), Ed Deshotel (54)

Bee Deshotel:

-Jean l'Ours et la fille du roi. Tout ça il avait, il croyait était le meilleur
-Blank space
-Le meilleur entendeur, souffleur, etc.
-Il a gagné la fille et le roi lui a donné tout ce qu'il avait, et Jean l'Ours a donné tout ce qu'il avait au roi
-Bee a appris cette histoire avec son père

(7:45) - Jody McBrown, un vieux sauvage
-Blank space
-130 years old, gold bracelet, gold tooth, earrings with name on it. One day, he disappeared
-Narcisse went to hunt squirrels in McBrown's yard
-Big owl would come scare squirrels away each time Narcisse would try to shoot
-Shot the owl down, it was Jody McBrown. Brought Jean Louis to see the owl
-He was so old; he was given the choice to be whatever he wanted
-So, he chose to be an owl to take care of the squirrels in his yard and make sure no one killed them

(12:20) - Minette et ses roulettes. Un des plus vieilles histoires
-Minette woulait du lait pour ses roulettes. La vache voulait du foin pour du lait
-La faux voulait du vent et du lard pour du foin; La truie voulait des glands pour du lard
-Le chêne voulait du vent pour des glands. La mer a donné du vent pour le chêne

Ed Deshotel:

(16:05) - Le pont du Nez Piqué (conte puis chanson)
-Les bêtes disparaient. Une petit s'assiait dessus le pont pour pêcher. Le pont soufflait, en vie?
-C'était un cocodril. 10 tirages d'un gros canon pour le tuer et 100 paires de gros mulets pour l'ôter
-Le bayou a baissé 3 pieds et le monde l'a séparé en morceaux
-Gave 50 barrels of grease and enough meat for the year
-500 pairs of shoes and boots from hide. Now a cement bridge

(20:40) - Song
-Lying tradition with examples
-Le chien de chasse à perdrix et les serpents sonnette
-Tiré le serpent et le chien a resté comme s'il y avait toujours une perdrix. Jouer avec le serpent
-Le serpent a charmé le chien à lui emmener son manger, et le chien a crevé de faim

(25:04) - La grosse cabri. Elle a donné 50 gallons de graise et un 'tit brin dans une tasse

Bee Deshotel:

(31:42) - 'Tit Lou et Prospère (pêcheurs). Faire l'amour avec à la femme à l'autre et se révenger
-Le cheval de chasse à perdrix. Pareil comme le chien
-Goujon caille qui pèsait 25 livres dessus la drague
-Le cheval a sentit la perdrix dans l'estomac du goujon
-Bouki et Lapin (2 malfaiteurs) dans la grocerie
-Bouki se faisait un cochon avec lui même et pouvait pas sortir de la grocerie
-Il s'a caché, le marchand a trouvé Bouki et l'a fait travailler toute la journée

(37:53) - 'Pas proche'. Le vieil homme qu'a demander à le jeune fille qui le carressait d'aller se coucher
-Elle a dit ,"Pas proche," il avait pas de chance
-Les jumelles (Hébert) qui se ressemblaient, leur parents pouvaient pas les distingué
-"Celle-là à la droite ressemble plus à l'autre"

***Only estimate of month and year was included in original notes, no specific day***

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folk tales
Barry Jean Ancelet
Bee Deshotel and Ed Deshotel
Recording date: 
Wednesday, January 1, 1975
Coverage Spatial: 
Redell, LA & Mamou, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Musical Performance by Varise Conner and Folk tales by Boone Dugas

Accession No.: 

Varise Conner, Boone Dugas

Varise Conner (Lake Arthur, LA):

-Soldier's Joy
-Boone Dugas (Lafayette, LA):
-Fragment of tale about three magic dogs (Guaillum, Singueau, Moriseau) (chanté)
-Anecdote - Un homme de couleur à la chasse de lapin avec des chiens mêlés. Meilleur siffleur qu'il a jamais entendu. 'Mon chien gain li'
-Pootlock? lived near A&W Rootbeer Stand

(4:17) - Oral History: Local politics in the 1936
-Maurice Pellissier vs. Luke LeBlanc. Bois creux, Marcelin 'Bois Creux'
-Brother handed out handbills for election. Vote for Edward Dugas

-Mr. Domengeaux
-He wanted a job outside, not inside at post office
-Sam Jones ran independent for governor and won the following election 4 years later
-2 parties: Long & Eddie Long?
-Sterling Calahan ran also. A lot of people were crooks, 'double/triple dippers,' cleaned out politics
-Didn't run again, someone else's turn to take office
-'Loi de Cochon' at courthouse. Went to Police jury

(9:39) - Louis Prejean from Scott, Dr. Prejean's son, wrote to Attorney General
-Each parish would decide what they wanted to do
-Meeting at the courthouse. Jack Fournet got up on the table and addressed the issue in the courthouse
-Asked who was for/against letting hogs loose in the winter
-The Legend of Martin Begnaud (frère à sa grandmère paternelle, Marie Begnaud Jenkins)
-Martin avait une 'tite grocerie à Scott
-Les 'tit français ont rentré une nuit pour voler son argent. They stabbed him
-Brought the money back to France. Ham Benton?
-Put them in prison because they believed they were guilty. Made them confess/torture
-One dreamed every night about what he did
-Les 'tit français pendus
-Sa grand-grandmère (la mère à Martin Begnaud) a été sur la galerie d'un hôtel de 2 ou 3 étages pour les voir pendre
-Son père (Edouard) et grandpère (Alcide Dugas) ont été. Bouts de cable pour un souvenir
-Bee, son plus vieux oncle, voulait pas aller voir les pendus

(17:45) - Son père rentrait dans le genier
-Ce bout de cable le laisser pas dormir, il avait pour l'ejecter dehors pour être capable de dormir
-Couldn't see hanging itself because of a fence blocking the view, but you could see them fall
-Heard their screams; That kind of crime was very uncommon in Scott
-Shootings in Church Point/did they hang the right person?
-60+ years old from here know the story and tell it to their children
-Les Domingue près d'Ossun. Avaient des portraits de la crime et les histoires en anglais et français
-Des Blancs (les français);
-Moot's Bar and Tiny's on the corner was where Martin had his store
-9 or 11 of them, but Martin was the only one who never married/had kids

(22:33) - Sa grandmère s'a marié avec Edouard Jenkins, un de ses soeurs était marié avec Nonc Jacques Arceneaux (Barry's grandmother's uncle (Odet Ancelet), Israel's brother)
-99 years old when Nonc Jacques died. He was still working in rubber boots before he died
-History of Scott area
-Kenneth à Maurice avait une livre
-Narcisse, Les Hutchinsons de Duson, La Fille à Tante Hélène (Tot)
-Scott named after SP Railroad Superintendent. Last name was Scott
-L. Leo Judice

(26:26) - Judice community named after Leo Judice (father was the first one here)
-When Leo died, all the school kids went to his house
-Guaranty Bank at the corner (now Chase bank) owned by Leo
-Gingerbread/Furniture store across the street taken over by Dr. Dakoti
-Leo Judice was a schoolboard member
-Dr. Dakoti rented the building out, swimming pool
-Scott's not old compared to places like St. Martinville
-Tante Hélène (92) was very young when they named the village Scott
-Reprinting of book through lady at Southwestern. Costs $20
-St. Martin. Tante Hélène turned 92 Jan. 19th
-Hard of hearing, lost an eye, mind is still there
-Going down as you get older
-Still does stuff around the house (cooking/cleaning)
-She eats well
-Barry went see her once
-Her father was police juror at one point

***Only estimate of month and year was included in original notes, no specific day (likely after January)***

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folk music; Violin; Fiddle; Folk tales; Oral history
Barry Jean Ancelet
Varise Conner and Boone Dugas
Recording date: 
Wednesday, January 1, 1975
Coverage Spatial: 
Lake Arthur, LA & Lafayette, LA
Center for Cultural and Eco-Tourism
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Interview with Marc Savoy

Accession No.: 

Marc Savoy:

L'histoire des accordéons en Louisiane
-Emmené par les Allemans dans les 1950s (1850s?), un tas des Allemans sont venus en Louisiane
-Mowata/German Cove German communities
-Cajuns favored it because it could make more music than a fiddle by itself. It could back itself up. One-man band
-Fiddle music is not loud, and had to have at least 2 musicians
-No amplifiers back then, and accordions were sturdier than fiddles
-One broken reed wouldn't be the end of an accordion, as a broken string on fiddle would be
-Hard to find fiddle strings
-Jigs, Two Steps, Waltzes, Some Polkas
-Marc's grandfather (fiddler) says accordions can't play all of the songs
-1st accordions came in keys of F,G (bad keys for fiddle players who played open tuned). Couldn't play with accordion

(04:49) 1920, C & D accordions allowed for fiddlers to accompany accordions
-2nd fiddle string matches the 5th button on accordion. D est parfait, C marche aussi bien
-Songs that Dennis McGee plays would require an accordion with sharps/flats like piano/2 or 3-row accordion, impossible for diatonic
-Germans and Jews support each other. Company in New York (Buegeleisen & Jacobson) brought accordions over from Germany
-Sent them via wagon trains. Mervin Kahn in Rayne and Louis Wright in Eunice (both Jewish)
-Wooden reed instruments from Japan (clarinets/saxophones) instead of steel reed instruments
-Before Monarch and Sterling brands, there were Hohner accordions in keys of F/G
-Also have Bruno accordions (in business since 1934 (1934?)). Eagle brand, Lester, Pine Tree
-Popular instruments = a lot of makers
-Used copper/bell-metal reeds before steel came along.
-Monarch & Sterling (2 separate companies, owned by cousins, same patent and tools) brought over to U.S. by same company
-Monarch and Sterling were best ones at the time. Really not good compared to the ones that are made today
-Big reputation because the Hohners and other smaller brands were way worse than the Monarchs and Sterlings

(10:15) Like harmonica reeds, all in row/set and made of bell-metal/copper that wasn't loud and would break easily
-Ford compared to Model-T, Rolls Royce. Relative. Comparing handmade violins to Japanese fiddles, Lionel Leleux fiddle
-German factories were bombed during WWI & WWII. Hohnner became bigger after the wars and built factories. Didn't pay for others to rebuild factories
-Hohnner didn't just make accordions. Making better accordions, but never professional
-Hohnner fait bien des accordéons à 2/3-rangs wt piano, mais pas simple
-$112.50 pour un accordéon simple Hohnner, à bon marché. $150 for a good set of reeds, nothing if entire accordion costs less
-Bad materials to make bad accordion. Reeds were the only good things
-Modern accordions 100X better because they stay in tune a lot longer, are louder, prettier sound, lighter

(16:44) Marc's accordions
-Learned how to make accordions by opening up Hohnners
-Piano accordions from Germany/Italy sounded beautiful, loud, had a good response, resonance, timber
-Different reeds than reeds in Cajun accordion
-Nice accordions costed $2,000/3,000, $1,000/1,500
-Marc first used Hohnner materials. Ordered materials from Germany/Italy and gradually buying better reeds for higher price
-Guarantees a musician won't break reeds/they'll stay tuned
-He's not concerned with price of materials, he uses good materials and then charges what it cost him to make
-Regardless of the price, if the quality's good, someone will buy/appreciate it

(20:06) How Marc got interested in building accordions
-There were no longer Monarchs/Sterlings, only Hohnners. Marc's father bought him Hohnner
-All of his neighbors played accordion and he always wanted an old black accordion. Tuned differently
-Repairing old accordions for neighbors
-Painting to cover up
-Not just one part of the accordion/machine/fiddle makes it, a combination of a lot of small things makes the whole good
-Les accordéons de l'Allemagne et l'Italie. German accordions were tuned lower than 440 standard before 1920
-Italians were a little higher than 440. 1920, decided to standardize tuning to A440
-Wet tuning (Italian) vs. Dry tuning (German). Different ways to tune an accordion

(25:35) Hohnner accordions can be tuned either way. Close 3rd set of reeds, dry the tuning (Open, wet)
-1 set of reeds, low octave. 1 high, 2 middle. Overtones cause wet sound
-Octave tune vs. Tremolo Tune. Cajuns like dry tuning (don't use minor chords), Acadians like wet tuning for minor chords
-Cajun Accordion, 3rds and 5ths flatted to soften sound
-Les clefs des accordéons et des chansons (1, 4, 5). No B or E natural notes on C/D accordion, rare in Cajun music

(29:57) Bass/accompaniment
-B doubled with D and made to where no overtones. B to B flat 100 cents lowered
-Only lower about 15 cents for it to fit in the chord. Done on piano, guitar. Worse on chromatic instruments made to play in every key
-Musicians want to play in every key
-Les musiciens connaissent pas tout ça
-Marc interested in how music works
-Iry LeJeune didn't know any of this, but he didn't know theory
-Marc only knows what he taught himself/read
-Des musiciens qu'a des bonnes oreilles.
-Everyone has a good ear, some are just more refined/practiced than others at distinguishing differences
-95% have a good ear, it's just not developed

(35:13) Have to have a good ear in order for a musician to learn by ear
-Rodney LeJeune (guitar player/singer from Texas). Can sing on pitch, but can't tune his guitar
-Blind man in Canada best musician Marc has ever met. Knew theory.
-Ordered one of Marc's accordion and Marc went to retune it how he wanted it
-He didn't use his machine, he used the guy's ear. He can tell what key/octave/chord and if it's in tune or not
-Same way eyes see different colors, just requires development
-Marc can tune instruments A440 without a tuner, but can't tell what note is what. Uses A as a base note

(40:14) Les accordéons de Marc Savoy
-Fier de ses accordéons. Personne d'autre prend le temps pour les faire bien. 15 accordéon par année
-10 years since he's opened shop to sell instruments
-1st accordion he made, shop takes time from making accordion
-Marc takes a long time to make them. 15-25 layers of lacquer. Finish is like glass
-Roger Day LeJeune was different than others. He changes his style/color every year
-Candy apple red, Curly Maple, stains pretty wood and puts apoxy lacquer
-No use to use pretty wood if you're gonna cover it with black paint, Burgundy
-May, went to California with Dennis McGee and Sady Courville and met with guitar/banjo maker to learn Inlay work
-Abalone shell like a oyster in Pacific only
-Put it in wood itself, takes a lot of time, patience, practice
-Marc perfected accordion action, but he wanted to improve the appearance, make it classier, not disguise it
-Use good wood
-Freshwater clams instead of abalone in wood. Found something similar here

(45:43) Follows pattern of German-style accordion, with open keyboard
-Screen used to protect dust/dirt from getting in instrument, but Cajuns didn't like that
-He uses his measures
-Biggest change was when a lady from Alexandria brought in a $2,500 piano accordion in for him to repair
-Reeds were attached to woodblocks with gaskets and screws, not wax
-Beeswax used on cheaper instrument. Took a decimeter and a vacuum, and compared wax vs. screwed
-Screwed accordion sounded 4-6 points/degrees louder than waxed
-Takes more time without wax, exact with gaskets and without cracks
-Clearer and louder sound, plays better
-Learning on his own, trial and error
-Takes 10 times longer, but worth it. Would do it even if it took 20 times, because of good quality
-Everything today is made around a price/economical, but poor quality

***Only estimate of year was included in original notes, no specific month or day (possibly after May 1975)***

***Possible Copy on AN1-256?***

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Accordions; WWI; WWII
Barry Jean Ancelet
Marc Savoy
Recording date: 
Wednesday, January 1, 1975
Coverage Spatial: 
Eunice, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Musical Performance by The Balfa Brothers

Accession No.: 

The Balfa Brothers:

-Wedding Dance
-Wedding March

(3:27) - Jolie Blonde (Ma Blonde est Partie/La Fille de la Veuve)
-La porte d'en arrière

(10:34) - Tous les soirs
-Step It Fast

(18:48) - La valse du chemin croche (Le Cher 'Tit Chemin T'as Pris)
-Acadian Two Step
-Jeffrey who's 3 years old requested 'Grand Mamou'

(25:39) - La fille de la campagne
-Les traces de mon boghei

***Only estimate of year was included in original notes, no specific month or day***

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folkmusic
Barry Jean Ancelet
The Balfa Brothers
Recording date: 
Saturday, January 1, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Eunice, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Saturday, January 1, 2000
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Folk tales

Accession No.: 

Revon Reed
Folk Tales:

-First got married, living by Bayou Duralde raising ducks
-He would notice some were missing
-Racoon/alligator/opossum would eat 3 or 4 ducks
-One day, they were all eaten. Not a one came back
-2 maringouins qui se brossaient les dents
-Cousinne z-Oie (girlfriend) from Coontown au nord de Mamou
-Nonc Olide et son mulet qui se roulait
-Pascal et son bicycle
-Nonc Olide encore

(5:10) - Le Frère de Ole Gray Mare. Mulet caille Gros comme un éléphant
-Bulldozer in woods/taking out stump. Wildlife coming out
-Tête d'hibou, les oreilles de lapin, un bec de canard, griffes de chat en avant, pattes de canard en arrière, avec un queue d'écureuil
-Fur rouge dessus le dos, blanc dessus les côtés, et noir en bas
-Saute comme un frog. Pondre des oeufs carrés et faire l'amour avec n'importe quelle bétaille
-Tear gas, laughing gas, crying gas, and fart gas
-He has 7 different kinds/colors of blood (red, green, clabbered)
-Cornes de chevreuils, jappe comme un chien, beugle comme une vache, miale comme un matou, gratter dans la terre, boire un baril de bière à la fois
-How people got alcohol when it was illegal
-People would take cotton seeds/corn/sugar/thistles/pinecones with molasses and would boil it for 8 days and 8 nights
-Stir with a pirogue paddle, but it would melt
-Lumberjack from Maine avec steel helmet
-Branche de cenellier le meilleur parce que ça fond pas aussi vite

(10:01) - Steel helmet melted as fast as a butter ball melts in a hot bowl of gumbo
-3 ou 4 cornes de vaches, 2 ou 3 écrevisses
-Bouteilles en acier et bouché avec 1,000 lives de pression
-Boucanne sort par tes oreilles, ton nez, tes bouts de cheveux/orteilles, ton derrière, etc., si tu bois un filet de ça
-Hélaire Carrière 9 ft tall and weighed 100 lbs soaking wet
-Pascal a été à la lune avec son parasol. 7,000 lb rocks and rattlesnakes
-Mormans in Utah. A 19-year-old has 9 wives and 1 child
-Cent têtes de moutons, tu peux te marier encore. 7 femmes avec 700 mouton à Utah
-Puit d'huile dans un grand champs de canne à Lockport (LA) de 10,000 arpents carrés
-Red top syrup, molasses, cane syrup, and Karo syrup came out valve for hot cakes/pancakes

(14:49) - Old black lady came with her 12 children, each with a cornbread and took each different kind of syrup
-Chilly so made a fire with 4 boxes of matches et 4 toothpicks that mosquitoes used to brush their teeth
-Pierre, Paul, Jacques, Aldus, Pete, Fred, Queen, Bidou (last one)
-Ramasser son girlfriend de 400 livres dans un pick-up truck
-Soeur de Tante Horore qui coudre dessus 7 machines avec ses orteilles/ses pieds à la fois
-She's blind. 400 lbs dry, 424 lbs wet?
-Crawfish, bream, 'caps jaunes', alligators, snakes in her apron when she gets out of the Bayou
-She breathes fire like a dragon, skin as shiny as a new car
-Doesn't wax, he brings her to get greased
-12 doigts, 12 orteilles, 4 pouces qu'elle use pour hitchhike
-Hitchhiking from New Orleans, no one would stop for him

(19:29) - Old Lumberjack from Maine
-Cutting logs and hauling them with oxen/bulls to paper mill
-Used to be called Antique Don, now called Mustang
-Toughest little stead horse. Mustache
-Going see his girlfriend and drink another fifth

Elmo Ancelet:

-C.J. et Benet? Guilbeau à la pêche de patassa
-Marquer la place dessus le bâteau
-Bougre qui pariait l'autre pouvait pas frappait sa main

Clence Ancelet:

-Martin Webre le constbale chez Esta Hébert, a marié le soeur de sa mère
-Gros baset et chauve, mais avait pas peur d'a rien
-Des hommes de Marais Boleur avec les tops du bogheis baissés
-Clence? et François Guilbeau les guettaient essayer à prendre le bal

(24:23) - Marais Bouleur avec plusieurs chapeaux dessus la tête
-Martin Webre didn't mess around
-There was no trouble in his dancehall, he stopped it before it started
-Pouvais dire c'était des Marais Bouleurs à cause de tous leur chapeau noir et un mouchoir rouge dans le cou
-Came from around Bosco oil fields, they liked to fight
-Nice people now
-You used to not be able to go into another's territory, that was the way of life
-3-4 fights per night. Mr. Royer was born in Mire. 2 men who were very rich, but hardheaded
-Cockfights. Pitt Dog dogfights chez Mr. Norbert Lormand à Ossun (3 miles nord de Scott/Triangle Club)
-One won the cockfight, the other won the dogfight
-White cat vs. black cat, $100 bet on fight (like $100,000 today)
-Les chats se battaient autant qu'ils pouvaient plus les voir, mais ils savaient que les chats se battaient toujours à cause du duvet qui volait
-Batailles de chiens et de gaïmes aux gaffes/à l'éperon à Ossun chez Mr. Norbert Lormand
-Nonc Evan Ancelet et Nonc Onsbey Ancelet, un élvait les gaïmes aux gaffes et l'autre les gaïmes à éperons
-Migue Arceneaux. Gilbert Pourtois de Jeanerette
-Monde de la Nouvelle-Ibérie. Possum de Lafayette. Charles Broussard
-Tous les dimanches pendant l'été, les batailles de gaïmes se passaient à Ossun
-Dans l'automne quand il faisait frais, le monde battait les chiens
-Il connait pas où les batailes de chat se passait

(29:58) - Mr. Royer reste dessus Arthur Street
-Le Frère à Martin Webre (Mr. Romain Webre) a eu un rendez-vous pour se battre aux armes
-Il a mangé le plus gros gaïmes il avait dans la cour
-Mr. Romain waited for him at his house and they decided not to fight
-They became great friends afterwards. Le grand-père à Mme. Lurlis? Domingue
-San Antonio Hall
-Nonc Adam Webre, frère à Martin Webre, a marié Tante Choot (fille à Mr. Lou Ancelet)
-Il travaillait pas dur. Clence, Sidney Sonnier, et Louis Sonnier (des garçons à -Béb Sonnier) ont été pêché quand il travaillait dans le clos

***Unknown recording date/place. Coverage Temporal just an estimate***

Media Type: 
Folk tales; Dancehalls; Marais Bouleur; Cajun; Storytelling
Barry Jean Ancelet
Revon Reed; Elmo Ancelet; Clence Ancelet
Recording date: 
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Monday, September 12, 2016
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Folk tales by Wilson 'Ben Guiné' Mitchell

Accession No.: 

Ben Guiné (Wilson Mitchell):

-Haler le char (continued)
-Chapelet a sauvé sa vie
-Origin of his nickname
-9 Baseball players: Batiste, Rodney, et Adlia Clément, Ervin Babin, Noeud?
-Cormier, Poteau Clément, Vieux Tchoucou. Polin LeBlanc? Derouselle
-Baseball practice. Ben et le professeur
-$20 for a pair of shoes

(5:18) - St. Martin, Iberia, Jeanerette
-Moonshine, but they didn't drink because they knew their parents would whip them
-Homerun/last man down. Ben never struck out and was never worried to bat
-All players dead now

(8:37) - Baseball Club: Régis Sting gambling and betting he'll win a game. Each bet $40 ($80 total for winner) (anecdote)
-$50 contre $20
-Ben staying on base, not running. 3 had already made it home
-Early days in Parks

(19:32) - Ben's padna à l'école? Ben connait pas lire
-First black man to ride in car (Model-T) over here
-Cost him $200 from Mr. Elie Broussard from Breaux Bridge
-Ben and friend went to Lafayette. $350 for brand new car over there
-Not making a lot of money?

(27:13) - Mr. Lasseigne's car lot is worse. Went about 6:30 (pm?)
-Saint John, buying a house with wife and making an honest life
-Trouver un fatchin

(31:00) - Vieux homme qui piochait. Bon Dieu visite 'Si Bon Dieu Veut'--why dogs do not talk and only bark (etiological tale)

(37:53) - Moi, (v)oulai mouri, "Caesar pas là" (conte)

(41:52) - Le millionnaire/homme riche et Charlotte (domestique) à la porte du paradis (conte religeux)
-Slavery. Buried Charlotte as she was when she died
-Went to purgatory and ran quickly to heaven
-Millionaire had a big funeral when he died
-Charlotte was dressed so nicely, the millionaire didn't recognize her
-Millionaire wasn't allowed to run to heaven
-Devil wanted millionaire to dance. Devil didn't think millionaire could dance
-Millionaire hadn't eaten supper yet. Ate cat. Went to hell

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Creoles; Folk tales
Barry Jean Ancelet
Wilson 'Ben Guiné' Mitchell
Recording date: 
Thursday, May 12, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Parks, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Friday, June 23, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Musical Performance by Varise Conner and Lionel Leleux

Accession No.: 

Varise Conner (Violin), Lionel Leleux (Violin), Eric Benoit (Guitar), Edgar Benoit (Guitar), Michael Doucet (Violin):

-Lake Arthur Stomp

(3:26) - Bursitis: problèmes à manier l'archet. Went doctor in Crowley for x-ray treatment
-Lionel already had it
-La valse à Andy (d'Oscar Aguillard)

(7:03) - La Valse à Andy/Oscar Aguillard reprise? (des Aguillard)
-Tous les deux pour la même/Hollybeach Waltz? in A
-Lionel playing with an accordion player/guitar player

(12:09) - Lake Arthur Two Step
-Rabbit Stole the Pumpkin (Two Step de Bascom Mouton) in D

(17:22) - J'ai été au bal
-Maiden's Prayer

(21:56) - Perrodin Two Step (with Michael Doucet, NEA folk art apprentice)

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folk music; violin; fiddle
Barry Jean Ancelet
Varise Conner; Lionel Leleux; Edgar Benoit; Eric Benoit; Michael Doucet;
Recording date: 
Tuesday, October 25, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Lake Arthur, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Friday, June 23, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Saturday, January 1, 2000
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Musical Performance by Varise Conner and Michael Doucet

Accession No.: 

Varise Conner (Violin), Michael Doucet (Violin), Lionel LeLeux (Background), Unknown Rhythm Guitar Player

-Valse sans titre de Walter Aguillard in D
-Aguillards from Eunice

(4:04) - Fi Fi Foncho
-Step it Fast (T'en a eu, t'en auras plus)

(7:25) - Step it Fast (fragment)
-Lafayette Playboys Waltz/Eunice Waltz/Crowley Waltz/Mon Vieux Home/Scott Waltz in A

(10:02) - Untitled Waltz in G
-Swing (Carroll County Blues?) (Lionel seconding?)

(14:19) - Untitled Blues
-Memphis Blues

(18:06) - Drunkard's Waltz
-Drunkard's Waltz (reprise with Lionel's 'rub-a-dub-dub' style)
-Jack Daniels to freshen Varise's memory

(22:09) - Untitled Two Step
-Evangeline Waltz (Lionel playing lead)

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folk music; violin; fiddle
Barry Jean Ancelet
Varise Conner and Michael Doucet
Recording date: 
Tuesday, October 25, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Lake Arthur, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Friday, June 23, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Saturday, January 1, 2000
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Ballads and Folk tales by Noélie Roulet

Accession No.: 

Noélie Roulet (72):

-'Le petit oiseau.'
-Learned when she was 8 years old from a play/with sisters (64 years she's been singing this song)
-Can repeat verses. Play for kids

(2:35) - J'ai passé devant ta porte
-J'étais à Lafayette (Allons à Lafayette)
-Doesn't remember all the different songs she knew at one time

(4:53) - Fais do-do mon bébé
-Mon bon vieux mari. On record

(7:45) - Compère lapin
-Au clair de la lune

(8:53) - 'Tit oiseau (rime)
-Pin pi po (rime)

(10:35) - Bonne Marie (cantique)

(11:30) - Cendrillon (conte)

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Ballads; Folk tales
Barry Jean Ancelet
Noélie Roulet
Recording date: 
Sunday, July 3, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Vacherie, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Friday, June 23, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

French oral exercises

Accession No.: 

La leçon française
-French oral exercises

***Unknown recording date and place***

Media Type: 
French language
Barry Jean Ancelet
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Games and Pascal Stories

Accession No.: 

Continued from tape F-II-D-T-8-74:

-MamouPin Pi Poloron
-Rond rond rond 'tit marias; Bois Sec Ardoin; Des noires jaunes; Laver les vaisselles
-La porte du nord qu'est ouvert; L'homme qui pu(?) tait
-Pascale dans l'aeroplane; Contes du Pascale

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Folktales; Games
Barry Jean Ancelet
Revon Reed, Erving Reed, Hubert Reed
Coverage Spatial: 
Mamou, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Interview with and musical performance by Canray Fontenot

Accession No.: 

Canray Fontenot:

First interests in music:
-Son seul oncle (frère à sa mère) il avait jouait le violon
-Douglas Bellard était premier cousins avec sa mère. La tante à Douglas
-Cigar box violins. Making each one a violin. String from screendoor wire
-Wasn't loud, but made sound. The other guy went to school and became a teacher
-Canray didn't go to school. Had to be good too in school to go through a grade in two years
-Father died and he had to go to work to help support his family. The other guy went to Texas
-15 years since he's seen him. He told Canray he couldn't carry a tune
-First violin. Uncle bought it for him if Canray would go help him work in the field
-Canray was about 11 years old. Canray and that other guy started when they were 9 years old
-Fiddle head resembled a guitar head
-First time tuning violin. Going to see Douglas to see how to tune it. Breaking strings
-Needing the desire to learn music

(5:00) - Accordions
-Mr. Adam as well-known as Dennis McGee
-Canray can play a song, but he's not interested enough to learn
-Mother played accordion, but never played dances
-$16 for the last accordion father bought in Rayne. That was expensive back then
-Used to buy accordions for $13
-Canray's brother-in-law brought Canray's father to Rayne in a Model-T. Father had $20
-Passing the hat
-Playing accordion and picking up a little extra money
-Father never sang, sometimes had a triangle/fiddle player accompany him
-Alphonse LaFleur a good second fiddler (white)
-Whites played for blacks, and vice versa
-Canray playing with his daddy on table and chairs
-Wedding dance for white people
-Bois-sec started playing before his father died in 1938
-Canray starting to play fiddle after his uncle died

(10:00) - Music changes in the 1930s
-Everyone wanted hillbilly music, George Lennon, string bands
-Playing with Bois-sec Ardoin for 40-something years. Got together in the 1940s
-Stopped played music for 8 years and going back to play around Lake Charles for 3 years with Wilfred Latour and going back to Bois-sec
-Playing with Amédé Ardoin---Pineville & Death. He could sing and play well
-Black people's music sounded different than white people's
-Amédé (and Canray's uncle) would quit working to go play. Canray would usually finish his work
-Seeing him in Crowley. Hurting behind his neck. Sent to Pineville because he lost his mind

(15:06) - Amédé had an older brother living in Elton (Thomas)
-Amédé didn't recognize him. Thomas tried to play accordion, but couldn't
-Amédé couldn't remember anything. People hated him
-He played a dance in Eunice and wiped his face with a white lady's handkerchief
-They beat him because the white lady did what she did
-Amédé played in Basile at a dancehall. Guitars were rare, but one was broken
-Amédé was a jokester. Amédé wrote everything he played
-If an accordion played could play about 5 songs, that was a big thing
-Dance at Canray's grandfather's big house
-Amédé went play a dance for white people, Canray's daddy played one for black people
-Usually, black's lasted all night. Canray's grandmother cooked a gumbo
-Amédé came play the dance. Back then, people didn't drink in the house
-White mule. Selling gumbo 10 cents a bowl
-Amédé came take Canray's father's place playing accordion
-Amédé took over the bass side from his father and then the melody side. Dancers never stopped
-Amédé jouait simple. Played sitting down in that time

(21:23) - Amédé played accordion only
-Iry LeJeune redid all of Amédé's songs
-How Amédé learned to play music. Joe Falcon
-Amédé would take two step and turn them into waltzes, and vice versa
-Pop's superstitions about recording. Shouldn't hear dead people
-Adam 'Kahzey' Fontenot, son père
-Playing music until sunrise. Father got there around 12:30 AM and lady who brought two cups of coffee

(26:29) - None of Canray 6 kids can play anything
-Canray's cousin from Lafayette played flute. Dinner in Basile at his uncle's
-Mother couldn't understand how he could become a musician since neither parent can sing (father sings for Mardi Gras)
-Easy to know when kids will be musicians. Almost all of his kids became musicians
-Played with Isaac Hayes. Can play organ
-Warren Ceasar. Horse kicked and he never regained his health
-Stopped playing with big bands because he couldn't eat just anything (bologna, etc.)

(29:13) - Traveling with Bois-sec. Started in 1966 for festivals
-Only Bois-sec and Canray went to the Folklife Festival in Newport, Rhode Island
-Record with Spotwood in Washington D.C. on the way back
-People loved their music
-Guy in Jennings who picked up trash for the city found a fiddle and brought it to Canray in Oberlin. Wasn't a good fiddle
-Stopping for 8 years because he wanted a break from it. Canray gets bored with things
-Playing with Clifton Chenier in Elton around 1969. Big election
-Canray would play one Saturday, Clifton would play the next just accordion and scrubboard (brother played)
-Not many blacks who can play fiddle like Canray
-Uncle had a sitter who only played blues. Lives in Texas now, never liked to hire himself out?

(35:10) - Bois-sec Ardoin
-Son frère est meilleur joueur d'accordéon que Bois-sec, mais il a pas l'envie
-Il garde pas un accordéon. Han?
-The Carriere family from Lawtell--Bébé Carriere (violon) et Dolan (son père)
-Carrière joue le violon drôle. Comme Canray chante drôle
-Ça me fait du mal, bassette
-Danser avec moi/La Valse à Tante Nana?

(39:51) - La Valse de 'Tit Maurice
-Mon Cher Bébé Créole (Reprise in different key: La Valse de Samedi Soir)

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Creoles; Folk music; Violins; Fiddles; Canray Fontenot Personal Narrative
Barry Jean Ancelet with Michael Doucet
Canray Fontenot
Recording date: 
Tuesday, June 7, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Welsh, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Interview with and musical performance by Canray Fontenot

Accession No.: 

Canray Fontenot, Michael Doucet:

-Chansons de son défunt père:
-Two Step de Misère (fragment)
-Les Balfas et Hadley Fontenot played one of his father's tunes (Le Two Step à Hadley)
-Not easy to play fiddle, not as easy as an accordion or guitar;
-La Valse à Don Montoucet (La Valse de la Grande Prairie?). Don played it in Mamou

(4:27) - Le Two Step du Vieux Temps (Old-fashioned Two Step). Touchet brothers
-Son archet. Cousin à Douglas et la mère à Canray. He takes Canray's place sometimes
-Lonesome Sundown Blues. Guy from around Opelousas
-Could play guitar and played with Clifton for a while. Clifton doesn't pay his musicians
-He can go buy himself a drink, but his musicians can't drink
-Clifton only knows people when he's broke
-Pawning his microphone and using Bois-sec's when playing in Basile
-Bois-sec lending microphone to Clifton
-Richard's club. Guy from St. Louis/Houston. Clifton said he didn't know him

(12:28) - San Antonio Rose. Homer Marcotte playing in different keys
-Les bars de la prison
-Untitled Anglo-tune. Rag?

(17:06) - Love Bridge Waltz
-Iry LeJeune--son accordéon. Bazaar in Eunice. He drank a lot and gambled. Iry's accordion was all beat up
-asked Bois-sec and Canray to go help him play the dance
-Bois-sec didn't get paid. He found out he died two weeks after
-Angélas LeJeune

(21:15) - Iry couldn't see, heard a car that sounded just like his uncle
-Missed his step and fell. Someone picked him up. He was blind
-He would be able to see if he had the money for the operation
-Rencontré Sam Jones à Lac Charles et a reçu une lettre disant qu'il aurait payé pour l'opération
-Des lunettes épais. Operé pour cataracts
-Cottonelle Club? around Jennings. Playing with Bois-sec. Iry's musicians came in and set up
-They never had a steel guitar player. Il s'a faché et a wreck son char dans un arbre

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Creoles; Folk music; Violins; Fiddles; Canray Fontenot Personal Narrative
Barry Jean Ancelet
Canray Fontenot
Recording date: 
Friday, October 7, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Welsh, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Interview with and musical performance by Canray Fontenot

Accession No.: 

Canray Fontenot:

-Chansons à Amédé (Lacassine Special, Two Step à Mama);
-J'ai Fait Une Grosse Erreur;
-Untitled Waltz (Part sounds like Rainbow Waltz);
-Fragment d'un two-step pris d'une disque 45 rpm (Les Belles Filles Veulent Plus Me Voir à Joe Falcon);

-Drunkard's Waltz (5:14);
-Reve de soulard;
-Quoi faire-à defunct Amédé. Alphonse sonnait la basse tringue;

-Blues fragment (11:30);
-Iry made Bosco Blues/World in a Jug himself;
-Rag/Polka fragment;

-Full-sized violins sound better acoustically, but 3/4-sized is more comfortable/easier for Canray to play (15:00);
-Bois-sec and Canray playing dances;
-Early tune: Le vieux Bob Wills mort dans un old-folks home. Sad with all the money he had;
-Howling Wolf Blues. Clifton redid it and called it 'Calinda';

-Fi Fi Foncho (21:31);
-Someone killed him. He retired and keeps the bottle. He says he'll die at the end of the table and he quit eating;
-Bois-sec and Canray playing at the Avalon Club on Friday nights and on Queen's Lounge? on Tuesday nights;

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Creoles; Folk music; Violins; Fiddles; Canray Fontenot Personal Narrative
Barry Jean Ancelet
Canray Fontenot
Recording date: 
Friday, October 7, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Welsh, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Musical performance by Canray Fontenot

Accession No.: 

Canray Fontenot;

-La dernière valse. Aldus Roger made that. Pretty waltz;
-Blues du voyageur (La Coulée Rodaire?);
-Bassing with special tuning/ Untitled Two Step (with special tuning for accordion). Learned that from other second fiddlers;

-Untitled Two Step à defunct Pop (5:52);
-Canray's uncle played with a certain tuning;
-Westphalia Waltz. Reprise with key change;

-Canray tries to play a song when he hears a song he likes. Playing in Lake Charles. He forgets the names of the songs (10:39);
-La Valse de Mercredi au Soir. Clark Cassinger?;

-Zydeco Gris Gris (tune from Adam Fontenot). Bois-sec and Canray recorded it under different names (15:41);
-Les haricots est/sont pas (mal) salés;

-Les bars de la prison (20:56);

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Creoles; Folk music; Violins; Fiddles;
Barry Jean Ancelet
Canray Fontenot
Recording date: 
Friday, October 7, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Welsh, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Musical performance by Canray Fontenot

Accession No.: 

Canray Fontenot:

-Fragment of Two-Step à Amédé. Plaque 78 tour pour les Hébert de Jeanerette;
-Someone died in a wreck. Surprised Canray. The eve of July 4th. Horses killed 5 people?;
-Harmonica (tuned to B?) with fiddle:
-Untitled Blues;

-Lake Charles Two Step/Chameau One Step and goes into 'Jongle à Moi' at the end (4:06);
-When Canray first started playing, 3 different ways to play on harmonica. Basses on the third time;
-La Robe Barrée/Madame Etienne?;

-Zydeco à Doopsie (8:05);
-Untitled Blues;
-Would sound better with a Harmonica tuned to C;
-Je Peux Pas T'oublier;

-Untitled Two Step à son Père (same as on AN1.105) (12:17);
-Running into Queen Ida's uncle;
-Working songs. Parents both sang. Both of Canray's grandfathers would sing drinking songs when they'd come for Christmas or New Years;

-La table ronde (15:56);
-Grandfathers drinking and singing;
-Canray played in Lake Charles last year and a lady came up to him and told him she didn't know he knew those songs;
-Trinquez, trinquez les verres à la main. Explaining when others would join leader. Canray grew up with late nights hearing those songs. Giving money to Canray to eat for him to get a chicken and make a gumbo;

-Only Canray and his sister (she was spoiled) (20:42);
-Wood stove;
-Been working ever since he was strong enough to work;
-Beau-père à Bois-sec (Canray est parent avec la femme à Bois-sec);
-Welfare nowadays when a father dies. They didn't have that back then. $8/month was the first pay Canray can remember. Fontenots trying to pay debt after father died;

-Canray's used to 300-something pounds of cotton (24:34);
-One of Canray's uncles worked in rice fields. Canray's wife would go help him;
-Bois-sec's 1st cousin from Kinder, small lady. Picked more than 400 lbs of cotton;
-Nonc Howell?;
-People used to work. You had to make it or you weren't going to make it at all;
-Bonjour, Bonne année. Sung for New Years;

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Creoles; Folk music; Violins; Fiddles; Canray Fontenot Personal Narrative
Barry Jean Ancelet
Canray Fontenot
Recording date: 
Friday, October 7, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Welsh, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Interview with Ellis Richard

Accession No.: 

Ellis Richard:

-Marais Bouleur name. Marais/Bassière de Bosco. Le magasin à Sidney Babineaux
Could only go by horse when it rained. Platin (flat). Mire, tout la même place
-Sidney Babineaux vendait des selles à son magasin. Il croit qu'il est mort asteur. Magasin à Bosco
-Name of Bosco--heart of Marais Bouleur. Un vieil homme avait une bosse dans le dos et il restait alentour. Boscoyo/Bosco
-Fighting in the Marais Bouleur
-Marais Bouleur contre la Coulée Croche
-Chacun avait un mouchoir et un couteau, ils étaient des hommes qu'avaient pas peur de mourir
-Il y avait des batailles à coup de poignes? tous les dimanches

(5:00) Alléman. A peu près faire chier
-N'importe quoi occasionnait ces batailles
-Da la misère pour casser une bataille. Le jeune monde a pas de coeur. Du mauvais monde
-Un homme qu'est tué à Church Point proche tous les samedis soirs après un bal. Commun
-Arthur Thibodeaux kills Angélas ? from Church Point

(9:31) Du monde mal élevé, élevé comme des bétailles, pour battre
-Uncivilized people
-People knocking at Ellis' door, he always keeps him pistol with him
-Ellis never killed anyone, he had the chance multiple times, but never killed/shot anyone
-Came close. Prays to God he never would have to do it. He bluffed
-One instance when Ellis almost killed someone at Four Corners in Lafayette past Boustany's where there used to be a little café
-Garçon à Benoit? et Mayo Bourque lui a dit si il va jamais là, il faudra qu'il mourt

(15:54) Wes Benoit--dangerous man. He's dead now. Raised near Cankton/la Coulée Croche. Mère est une fille à Adam Bourque
-Working for Swift and Co. packing house in New Orleans for 1 year. Mother was sick and had to get back home
-Willing to give him a raise. They needed him until Friday. Called into office and asked why he was qutting
-$100 something/week if he didn't quit. He didn't take it. Ellis had a job over there if ever he needed. Big wig from Chicago
-Only job he had in his life

(21:38) Au Bal Chez 'Tit Maurice. Ellis tried to name it 'Richard's Casino' but it never stuck
-Father had a dancehall a long time ago, but his father never had much to do with 'Richard's Casino'
-Doc Guidry made the song 'La Valse de 'Tit Maurice'
-Knife fights near the freezer. Hear cracks. Stopped many fights

(24:54) Joe Hanks--constable, mauvais homme. People listened to him or he'd hit you with a stick on the head
-Buying Joe Hanks work shoes, good man
-Mel? Benoit was bouncer before Joe Hanks. Ellis had to let him go, he beat a Higginbottom fellow and almost killed him
-When a man knows he's right
-Living a good life. Not rich, but had enough
-Happy Fats is his one enemy. Borrowed money to buy a guitar and repaid Ellis
-He wanted to borrow more money to buy another guitar. Almost went to court

(30:43) Ellis made Doc Guidry. Happy Fats and Doc both his fans. Ellis helped both of them out and many more
-Cajun Thoroughbred book
-Marais Bouleur, flat from Four Corners to Sidney Babineaux's store in Mire
-Selling saddles and other field supplies. Forgot to mark down who had bought a saddle (didn't get paid for it?)
-Sidney had a dancehall where his bouncer killed a man. Still alive, old

(35:03) Babineaux's pretty daughter, brunette
-Parade where Ellis was given a gun
-He gave the gun to the girl and she sat on his lap the whole day on the buggy. Married to ? Bourque's brother
-Oge Guilbeau--bad little man. 100 lbs soaking wet. Fight with Harold Léger. Oscar Guilbeau (garçon à Ogé) took his eye out
-People were scared of Ellis. When a man's wrong, he knows. Bad when he knows he's right

(39:21) Ogé Guilbeau--throwing bottles and hitting someone. He took off on his horse after that
-Horse races, fights, and dances every Sunday afternoon. People would come from Alexandria, Cottonport, Bunkie, all over
-Ellis made money. He'd go to the bank with burlap sacks of money almost every Monday morning
-Un des ses amis qu'est mort juste quelques jours avant, il avait une place pour mettre l'argent avant ils le contaient
-Had an assistant, pretty lady whom he made love to
-Ellis done it all, and never left no track behind (always covered his tracks)

(44:59) He says he should've gotten killed. Never did anything to hurt anybody
-Neighbor's son (Don Faul) got killed in New Orleans
-Pinning up?
-The Castilles, prominent people. Lock themselves up, 10/12 in family. Wanting to get paid to vote for Ellis
-$35 for bunch wasn't enough. $45, wasn't enough. They wanted more, Ellis could only give $5/10 more
-Somtimes Ellis had politcal meeting/speakers in his dancehall. They had money by the barrel
-Austin Fontenot would call Ellis and tell him how much he would need for the election

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Marais Bouleur oral history
Barry Jean Ancelet
Ellis Richard
Recording date: 
Monday, June 29, 1981
Coverage Spatial: 
Marais Bouleur (Bosco/Mire), LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2

Interview Lee and Irene Stelly, Jody, Elmo and Maude Ancelet

Accession No.: 

Lee Stelly, Irene Stelly, Jody Ancelet, Elmo Ancelet, Maude Ancelet,
Children's game - passing shoes, Pease-porridge, Rhymes, Jump rope games, Clapping games
History of Ossun - Martin Weber, Lee and Irene Stelly, Jody, Elmo and Maude Ancelet

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Games; Rhymes; Ossun oral history
Barry Jean Ancelet
Lee and Irene Stelly, Jody, Elmo and Maude Ancelet
Recording date: 
Monday, April 18, 1977
Coverage Spatial: 
Ossun, LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
16 bit
Sampling Rate: 
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore

Interview with Ellis Richard

Accession No.: 

Ellis Richard:

-Story about James Domengeaux (politics/voting registrations). Registered minors (girls) to vote. Crooked like all politicians;
-Bootlegging: pint of whiskey at the dancehall. Worse during Prohibition than when it was legal to drink. Mr. Thibodeaux got caught and sent to the penitentiary in New Orleans;
-People today have sense, live differently;
-"I've lived the life of a millionaire". Had everything he wanted, Would've liked more money, but he got by. Legs hurt him;
-Knew of Barry's parents from Cankton, met them two/three times;

-Freddie and Ellis Richard (6:00);
-Pionc Leger as constable. Tried cutting his throat, barely missed. Blood flew, could barely breathe and talk;
-Wes Benoit and Mayo Breaux--outlaws, dangerous. From around Vatican. Oldest of Mayo's brothers was dangerous too;
-Jerome Hernandez (Arlandaise?) from Bosco/Mire around Ray Babineaux--shot a man in Duson/Scott in the face, completely blinded;

-Ils aimaient se battre, l'animal dans eux (10:00);
-Church Point--batailleur au mouchoir;
-Higgonbotham, Bearb?, and Duplechin feud-- race, smoke from musket rifles blinded, Duphé Bearb's mother drank blood from son's ears as he died. Mme. Pierre -Bearb wouldn't let her son's blood hit the ground;
-Lived in the same kinds of houses as everyone else;
-Uncivilized area about 15/20 years, maybe a little more. No education. Fought. Like that until after WWII;

-Life with the public, wouldn't do anything else. Enjoyed doing that (15:05);
-Caught a man by the throat;
-"I was all of a man, but, of course, I'm not a man anymore, but I've still got the guts I ever had.";
-There'll never be another Ellis Richard. Lucky he didn't get killed because people hated him. They were jealous of him because he was successful;
-Car races. Pictures of that somewhere. One broke his back, lucky Ellis didn't get sued because he didn't have insurance;
-Horse Races every Sunday;
-Ellis had good horses, he was hard to beat;
-Horse sold for $3,500 to people from Omaha, Nebraska;
-Winston told Mayeus that Ellis was selling a horse for $20,000 cash;

-Miss Celestine, best horse Ellis had. Named after Gwen's momma. 26 years old. Sold her for $20,000. Truth, no lie (21:01);
-Green Flash (Hitler), 5th in the nation, 10th all his life;
-Raced against the best in the nation, and won;
-Women spending time with Ellis;
-Joe Lemoine, 21/28 year-old millionaire. Ellis' buddy and money wasn't short. Gave Ellis anything he wanted;

-"I was in trouble all my life, but I always managed to get out." (25:45);
-Man from Crowley who always got himself in trouble, got out free. He was buried, his tomb came out in a flood and he got out;
-"Had life by the tail, but I had to turn her loose.";

-Ellis could drink a fifth of whiskey, take a drink every so often and work all night long. Never got drunk, felt good. Freddie helped him out (28:20);
-Freddie was always behind Ellis, tough times sometimes;
-Bar fight. Man who always made a remark about Ellis. Ellis hit him and knocked him down, threw him out;
-Beeson Venable. Civil workers thought he had died;
-Ellis broke his own fingers, paralyzed for a week or two;
-Barry says Pianc Léger (policeman for Ellis for years) got beat by Wes Benoit (criminel, mort asteur) at a dance. Ellis had never heard that;
-Wes était un picocheur, il a essayé de couper la gorge à Pianc Léger. Heard when he cut his throat. Couldn't breathe/talk. Brought him in his house until the doctor could see him;
-Truck would go around picking up people from, Lawtell, Church Point, Opelousas, Port Barré, truckloads from everywhere to go Au Bal Chez 'Tit Maurice;
-Drunk, canaille;

-Ellis and Joe Hanks had to watch everyone. Joe Hanks would scare people and tell them he'd hit them on the head with his stick (35:15);
-Louis Thibodeaux contre Joe Hanks. Joe Hanks lui a cogné un coup de bâton. Il a dit, "Hey Joe Hanks, cogne-moi encore." Ellis told him to stop before he killed him. Ellis couldn't tell whether he was black or white, he bled so much;
-Ellis doesn't see how he didn't get killed, got in all kinds of trouble. Wasn't so bad, didn't have to fight anybody. Started to calm down, people became educated. --Was like animals at one point. Ellis was just lucky;
-Never any blacks came, strictly white people. Blacks knew better not to come, they would've gotten killed it they would've tried to get in;
-O.S.T. Club in Rayne. Ellis talking to a girl at the bar. Guy with a tie came up, heading for the door?;

-Paying debts. Never hurt anybody, kind to people all his life (41:27);
-He wasn't an angel;
-Some people thought Ellis was the chief of the mafia around here. Ring leader of people around here. Never took part in that. He was just a common man whom people respected;
-No bodyguard meeting some of the worse people in the country, people who would kill you just to see you die;
'-Black' ? hated Ellis. Ellis going to his freezer and finding them fighting with switchblade knives. Never cut Ellis;
-Joe Hanks watched like a cat watches a mouse;

Media Type: 
Louisiana; Cajuns; Ellis Richard Personal Narrative; Marais Bouleur oral history
Barry Jean Ancelet
Ellis Richard
Recording date: 
Thursday, January 29, 1981
Coverage Spatial: 
Marais Bouleur (Bosco), LA
Center for Louisiana Studies
Rights Usage: 
All Rights Reserved
Meta Information
Cataloged Date: 
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Digitized Date: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Original Format: 
Digital Format: 
Bit Depth: 
24 bit
Sampling Rate: 
96 kHz
Storage Location: 
Archives of Cajun and Creole Folklore - Cabinet 1 Shelf 2
