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Illustration Guidelines

Preparing Illustrations for Print

Please remember that you, the author, are responsible for any and all illustrations that appear in your publication. Specifically, you are responsible for selecting, obtaining, and securing permission to reproduce the illustrations. This includes any and all fees associated with permission to reprint illustrations. Please select illustrations wisely: photographs and other illustrations increase production and retail costs.

Read this series of information:

  • It is best to use only those illustrations that enhance a reader's understanding of a topic or theme, or are in some other way essential to the publication
  • Please be aware that possession of an illustration does not convey permission to print
  • You must supply any and all citations and captions
  • If you would like a specific illustration to appear on the cover or dust jacket, please make such indication

The UL Press reserves the right to make all final decisions in the selection and layout of illustrations.


Photocopies are acceptable during the selection and planning phase and allow for the time necessary to obtain permission and copies of the illustrations in printable format. Such photocopies should be submitted with the manuscript. Once all selections have been made, the illustrations need to be submitted as either a good-quality glossy print or an electronic file. 

Electronic Submission

All illustrations submitted electronically must be scanned at a minimum of 300 dpi and saved as TIFF files. TIFF files produce the highest quality images, but can create large files, so be sure to have CDs or external hard drives to store the images.

Here are some requirements and information on submitting electronically:

  • Photographs need to have a minimum 3% dot in the highlights and a 97% dot in the blacks.
  • Because not all scans produce good quality images, please be sure to submit photographs early so that the production staff can evaluate their printability.
  • Please be sure to obtain illustrations that are in focus and will need little, if any, touch-up work. 
  • If you would like the photograph cropped, please indicate how to crop it with a photocopy.
  • You may want to protect photographs in plastic sleeves.
  • Avoid any writing on the back of the photographs.

Line Art, Maps, and Charts

These types of images consist of lines, dots, and letters and are in black and white. You may submit these types of illustrations in either camera-ready or electronic format.

  • If submitted electronically, we will need hard copies as well, to ensure that the images are those that you intended to use.
  • Make sure that all relevant information (including scales, measurements, and distances) is identified.
  • All hard copies should be submitted with the manuscript.
  • Please be sure to include any citation and caption text.


The ideal size for a map with no bleeds is 4.5" x 7". If for some reason the map is larger it will need to be reduced. The smallest type on the map must remain legible or a replacement will need to be provided.


  • Finished maps should be no more than 1½ times the printed size.
  • Maps generated by computers may have screens and shading patterns, black type, and reversed type. In these cases, after preliminary lasers have been approved, you will need to supply the Press with an electronic file for direct output to negative.
  • Screens should be no finer than 150 line, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for greyscale and 1200 dpi for line (bitmap) at 100 percent.
  • Files must be saved in TIFF format.

To avoid delays in production, be sure to include hard copies of all illustrations you hope to use with the initial manuscript submission.

  • Make sure that you have correct and complete citations for all illustrations and have explored the permission fees. It is not recommended that you pay such fees until after the selection and layout phase of production. Again, you are responsible for all permissions and fees, but the Center for Louisiana Studies reserves final editorial decision in selecting and placing illustrations.


If you have questions concerning the submissions process, please contact Devon Lord at (337) 482-6350 or